Sophia and Alonso's fight

Natalie didn't plan to eavesdrop on Alonso and Sophia's argument worried she might catch some venom aimed her way again. But with the argument starting right in front of their door, there was really no helping it.

"Alejandro, can I talk with Sophia alone for a moment?"

Even with her husband being all discreet about things, it was pretty clear to Natalie, and probably to Alejandro too, that Alonso wasn't his biggest fan. After a short pause, she heard Sophia's door click closed.

"I'm all ears," Alonso said, keeping it low and calm.

"You're listening!" Sophia exclaimed but in a hushed tone, "I'm the one who should say that to you. Aren't you the one who owes me an explanation here?"

"I got a message from the bank saying my approval was needed for a significant amount of money to be processed on a weekend. I asked what it was about and found out that you were planning to buy the yacht you were on this morning."
