Chapter 23: Passes

Raven gazed at the fear on the man's face. He found it pathetic. This was what power did to a person. The last time he was in this position, the man had a completely different reaction.

He picked up a small pen that was lying on the ground.

The man watched Raven pick the pen. Before he could even react, Raven stabbed the pen into the man's feet.

The man cried out, his roars suppressed by the shadow. He winced in pain, but Raven showed no remorse. This was merely a taste of the suffering he had endured.


Half an hour passed before Raven finally stepped out of the room, his hands stained in red.

Leira picked up a water bottle, opening it. She started pouring the water. Raven used it to wash his hands, cleaning all the red blood from his hands.

Leira watched silently as the water washed away the stains.

After washing his hands, Raven stepped out of the house.

Zephyr took a peek inside the room, the scene inside feeling quite familiar. Seeing the sight, he was reminded of similar traces. It was the same trace that was inside Raven's house.

Leira entered the room, cleaning everything. She made sure not even the slightest trace of their presence was left behind. Even the broken pieces of the phone disappeared. The room was once again perfectly clean by the time she was done.

Raven sat outside the house, looking at the moon that was growing ever so distant while they approached the sunrise. It was as if the moon was afraid of the sun, being forced into hiding.

After a short time, Zephyr and Leira also stepped out of the house, meeting up with him. Zephyr's shadow closed the door from the inside before merging with his main shadow.

"Shall we get going?" Leira asked Raven, who looked ever so lonely at the moment.

Raven nodded as he stood up, carrying that same old innocent smile that hid many secrets within.

As Zephyr, Leira, and Raven made their way out of the neighborhood, they moved with caution. The darkness provided them with sufficient cover as they silently navigated through the empty streets.

Once out of the neighborhood, there was no need to be as cautious as before, since many people traveled within the city every day. Even the Knights couldn't stop and interrogate everyone.

Still, Zephyr was careful as he led the way, his senses heightened, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Leira walked beside Raven, her eyes constantly assessing their surroundings.

With the first day of sunlight falling over the land, many vehicles could be seen moving through the city. Fortunately, Raven didn't need to travel very far.

After walking for only an hour, he reached the station from where they could catch the Train to their destination.

Even though it was early morning, the station was bustling with activity as people hurriedly made their way to their desired platforms.

Right at the entrance, Raven noticed multiple Knights, assigned to this place for protection. The Knights had a sword around their waist, their hands ready to pull out the sword at a moment's notice.

Each knight in this place was strong enough to kill hundreds of people in a single swing of their sword. However, people had great faith in the Knights. Even with such powerful people at the entrance, none of the travelers had any fear or doubt.

In Camelot, everyone trusted the Knights. It was a trust that was ultimately thanks to Arthur, who led Camelot to the era of peace and progress. Through the thousands of years, Camelot had developed a lot as a Kingdom.

Raven, Zephyr, and Leira joined the crowd, blending in seamlessly as they walked past the knights who appeared to be observing everyone's faces carefully.

"I don't know if I'm overthinking, but they seem to be more alert. They're observing everyone, so don't reveal any flaws." She mentally transmitted a message to Zephyr and Raven.

"It's as I thought. Arthur has put the entire Kingdom on alert. However, he still hasn't informed the citizens. For now, it's only restricted to the Knights," Zephyr nodded. "You did good with the disguise."

Raven could see many people within the station. However, most of them were ordinary people of the city. But amongst them, there were also a few which caught his attention.

As they approached the ticket counter, Raven glanced at the departure board, confirming the train they needed to catch. Leira stood beside him, her hand resting on her concealed weapon, ready to protect them if necessary.

Zephyr went to the ticket counter, placing a few gold coins on the Table.

Seeing the gold coins, the man on the counter raised his eyes. Most of the tickets were cheap. However, there were a few places that were very expensive if one wanted to visit them.

Passes to those places cost one gold each. However, not often were there people going to those places from such a small city.

"Are you planning to go to the Royal Capital?" The man on the counter asked as he collected the coins.

Zephyr shook his head. Smiling like a proud father, he explained, "I'm taking my son to Lord Marlin's Academy."

"Hah, even people from big cities who have trained their entire life find it impossible to enter the Academy. Do you think your son can do it? Believe me, you should put this money to better use."

"I have faith in my son." Zephyr insisted. "And even if he fails, at least he won't have any regrets for the future. Even if I have to spend all my life's worth, it's worth it."

"Sigh, what a foolish father." The man on the counter sighed, thinking that Zephyr was blinded in love for his son.

"Here you go." In the end, he issued the passes, shooing Zephyr away.

Zephyr took the passes, carefully keeping it before returning to Raven.

"Got the passes." He told Raven, locating the right platform. They made their way to the platform.