Chapter 43: If anything, award.

It was already late at night when Raven stepped out of Cain's room. The stairs once again formed in the air before him as he walked down, their ethereal glow guiding his way in the darkness.

Before long, he reached his room, placing the form on the table. The door once again locked like it was never open in the first place.

Raven sat on the chair before the table. Although he had a pen that he already carried with him, he didn't pull it out of his pocket. He used the pen that was already provided by this place and filled the remaining parts of the form.

In his name, he wrote only his first name in the same writing as Cain's.

Most youngsters wrote their last names as well, trying to flaunt their noble family names, thinking they'll get some privilege. For Raven, that was all useless.

Since Cain had already filled most of the form, what was left was only a small portion that only took Raven a few moments to fill.