Chapter 65: More than any pain could ever

"Father?" Merlin's reply didn't come, but a reply did come from Uther who appeared happy that his father was back safely.

Arthur turned around, his face slightly pale.

"Where is Merlin?" he asked.

"Uncle Merlin left after bringing me here, saying he had something important to do," Uther answered, puzzled by his father's apparent unease.

His father was someone who never feared anything, even when facing the entire world. No matter how chaotic things became, his father always remained unafraid. So why did he seem concerned now?

Arthur didn't hesitate. Upon hearing the reply, he swiftly swung his sword, cutting through the air once more.

"Stay here until I return." His words reverberated through the grand hall as he vanished.


Arthur materialised at the base of the Round Table, summoning the Knights.



