Chapter 263- The Truth

After talking with his squad for a while, Emino finally turned around and faced the old lady. "Ehem, in any case, granny. I have two friends here who need a place to stay. You have free rooms, right?"

"Hmm, are those the two young lads you're talking about?" Turning to Talon and Arryn, she stared at them curiously with her weak eyes. She seemed to have some trouble with her vision as she had to squint to see them.

"Yeah, they are good people so I had to recommend your inn to them. See how nice I am, granny?"

"Good job, Emi boy. Make sure to repay me for taking care of you all these years." The woman replied.

"Haha, don't worry about that. Anyway, I will leave them to you then. We still have to report them to the guild so we gotta excuse ourselves now." Turning around, the man approached Talon.

"Granny is gonna handle everything else. Just take the day to rest and then we will meet tomorrow morning, ok?"