Chapter 269- Merit, The Dimension Merchant

Extending his hand forward, Talon replied casually. "I'm Talon. Nice to meet you, uh, Merit."

The boy shook his hand with a weird smile. "Your name is quite interesting. Where are you from?"

"A faraway village from here," Talon replied.

"Oh my, so you are a traveler like me. Interesting." The boy replied as he started smiling for some unknown reason.

"Yeah. That aside, you said you're the greatest merchant in all dimensions?" Talon raised an eyebrow at the weird way Merit introduced himself. It was such a grandiose title to give to oneself that it almost made him laugh.

"Of course, you are talking to the greatest. There is no other Merit in this world, after all, so there is only yours truly." The boy replied with a confident tone. The way he spoke only made him sound even more obnoxious.