Mission Completed

Jaden who had just stepped into the ring sensed the attack. Immediately, he leaned backwards without hesitation, despite the fact that he was sneak attacked.


Wind blew in front of his face just after he had managed to bend backwards. Jaden could not help but sweat after managing to dodge that attack.

Just from the wind, he could tell that they attack that had been launched by Scarlet was definitely something that could injure him if he did not dodge.

He hurriedly moved backwards and touched the ropes around the ring. It was then that he looked up, realizing that Scarlet had already attacked yet once again. This time, she had launched a kick towards him.

Without hesitation, Jaden immediately shifted his body to the left, managing to barely dodge the attack. But that was not the end of it all, considering that Scarlet was still continuously attacking.

Jaden was even surprised by himself in his ability to be able to dodge the attacks that were being launched at him. If it had been the previous him, he would have definitely been beaten down by Scarlet by now. But now, since he had become stronger than he was before, he was capable of dodging the attacks that Scarlet was launching.

Nobody was supposed to underestimate the attacks that Scarlet was using to attack Jaden at the moment. Each and every attack that she was launching was extremely fierce than the one before.

Had it not been for the fact that Jaden was getting more and more used to the increase in his strength, he would have definitely been having much trouble being able to deal with the attacks that Scarlet was launching.

It was just that as time went by, he felt that he was reacting slightly late than expected. And he was barely dodging the attacks, and if things went on the way they were, he was definitely going to be hit by Scarlet.

Wasn't that going to be an embarrassment? After all, he was brought over to protect Scarlet, but she wasn't capable of dealing with him? Since he was supposed to protect her, he was definitely supposed to be way stronger than she was.

But thinking about what Alex had said, about the Johnsons being in a tight spot at the moment, Jaden did not care that much about the results here. The only thing that he cared about was definitely the mission that he had been given by the system.

It seemed that the system was very clear about the mission, about him surviving for 2 minutes under the attacks that Scarlett was launching. Initially, he thought that the mission was going to be easy.

At the end of the day, Scarlet was a daughter of a wealthy family, and most of the time, children of wealthy families would be dotted on, and would not know much about combat. But now, Scarlet had proved him completely wrong.

Scarlet on the other hand was getting frustrated. She was attacking continuously, but no matter how hard she tried, she was not capable of dealing with the guy in front of her.

Initially, she had thought that since he was young, almost the same age as herself, she was definitely going to be able to deal with him. But she had not expected that it was going to be difficult, considering that the guy was capable of evading each and every attack that she was launching towards him.

His reaction speed was quite high, something that she had only seen in the professional fighters. But even then, his movements were definitely not like those of a professional fighter at all. They looked like those of a street fighter, who had never undergone professional training.

But even then, with those moves, he was still capable of dodging the attacks. That was something that was making her frustrated. This was the only plan that she was having at the moment when it came to dealing with Jaden. But now, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to be able to deal with this guy.

She had already been attacking for more than a minute, but all along, despite the fact that she had suppressed Jaden, she had not managed to hit him even once.

Of course, it was true that she was not utilizing her full strength when it came to attacking this guy. She might be from a wealthy family, but even then, that did not imply that she did not train when it came to combat.

In fact, despite her young age, she possessed a black belt in taekwondo. And she had experienced many fights, and so, her combat experience was extremely high.

But for this guy in front of her, he was extremely lucky that he was capable of narrowly evading the attacks. Had it not been for luck, she would have already taken him down by now, right?

As Scarlet was getting more frustrated as time went by, she began increasing the strength at which she was using to attack. At this moment, she had decided that no matter what, she had to get rid of this guy.

Initially, she had planned to use half of her strength. If she was capable of dealing with him with half of her strength, it was going to be easy for her to be able to convince him to leave.

But now, it seemed that in order to deal with this guy, she had to go all out. No matter what, he had to go. She did not want a bodyguard around her at all. That was a restriction on her freedom!

Jaden on the other hand could not help but swallow his saliva hard. He had already noticed that the speed at which Scarlet was attacking had increased. And at this moment, the rate at which he was dodging the attacks was definitely going to be decreased by a good margin.

Even during the time that Scarlet was using just half of her strength, he was barely dodging. But now, he was only a few microseconds from being hit by Scarlet.

He could feel the wind blowing in front of his face and other parts of his body, every time that he managed to evade an attack.

Jaden was already sweating. He was wondering when the 2 minutes that the mission had stated was going to end. After all, if this continued, he was definitely going to be defeated.

After realizing that it was going to be difficult for him to be able to continuously dodge the attacks, Jaden decided to utilize his hands in order to block the attacks that he could.


An attack landed on his hands that had been crossed in front of his chest. At that moment, he felt his hands suddenly going numb. The strength of the kick that had been launched by Scarlet was not something that he could block so casually.

Jaden was forced to retreat three steps backwards before he managed to stabilize himself. But he had just stabilized himself when suddenly, Scarlet arrived, punching towards his chest.

Reacting as fast as possible, Jaden barely managed to shift his body to the left, dodging the punch. But even then, although the punch did not land on his chest, it slightly touched his shoulder.

That implied that had he been just a few microseconds late, he would have definitely been hit by the punch.

Of course, Jaden wanted to counterattack. He understood the logic that if he continued to defend, he was definitely the one that was going to fall at a great disadvantage. But even then, there was one thing that was restricting him from attacking.

That was the fact that Scarlet was the daughter of the boss who had given him the job. Additionally, she was the one that he was supposed to protect. If he suddenly injured her, would he not lose his job?

Although Scarlet looked different from those rich daughters that were pampered by their families, but even then, did that imply that her family did not like her? Just remembering about Anthony who had warned him not to cause Scarlet any problem, he could not help but shiver.

In a normal situation, he would have definitely not have cared about the background of the other party. Since she was sparring with him, he was definitely supposed to attack as well.

Even if he went ahead and lost the job, he would have not cared much about it, considering that he would have gone ahead and looked for another job. But it was different now, considering that there was yet another mission that was running, and that was for him to maintain the job.

So, no matter what, he had to maintain the job. And if it was a trick that Scarlet was having, to have him hit her so that he could be fired, that was definitely not going to work.

As time went by, Jaden realized that he was actually getting a little more proficient in dealing with the attacks that Scarlet was launching. It seemed that he was capable of learning the pattern of her attacks, and for that reason, he was able to react effectively.

But even then, he was still at a disadvantage, and he could not help but wonder just how long the 2 minutes were.

Just as Jaden was wondering about when the 2 minutes were going to end, I prompt suddenly appeared in front of him. At the same time, he suddenly felt that his muscles were twitching, while a load of information was suddenly poured into his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the optional mission by surviving for 2 minutes under the attacks of Scarlet. The host has been rewarded with beginner level combat skills.]