
Jaden and Scarlet managed to enter into the university without much trouble. Arrangements had already been made about Jaden, and so, Scarlet already possessed the identity card for Jaden.

So, in order for them to be able to enter into the gate of the university, Scarlet revealed the card that belonged to her, while handing Jaden's card to him. Previously, she had forgotten to give it to him, and only remembered about it after being asked about it at the entrance.

After confirmation, the two of them managed to enter into the campus. Then, Scarlet drove directly towards the area where she usually parked her vehicle.

Since it was still quite early in the morning, only a few people could be found within the campus. As for those that lived within the hostels of the campus, they were still yet to wake up, with only few bookworms and stubborn youths being already out of bed to venture into the library or to find someone to cause trouble to.

After the two of them alighted from the car, they were definitely spotted by a few people that were passing by. At that moment, they could not help but be surprised the moment that they realized that there was actually a person who had come out of Scarlet's vehicle.

Immediately, they began scrutinizing this young man who had come together with Scarlet. But no matter how much they looked at him, this guy was definitely average. There was nothing outstanding about him at all.

Both Jaden and Scarlet did not pay much attention to the gazes that they were receiving, but instead, they immediately headed toward the classrooms. Steven had already made arrangements, and so, Jaden was not required to do much other than to report to the administration block in order to give his signatures.

But of course, since it was still early in the morning, they would have to wait until 8:00 before he could sign the documents. As for the other matters, they had already been arranged, and he was going to pursue the same course as Scarlet. In short, they were going to be coursemates.

This was yet another thing that Scarlet disliked about the arrangements that her family had made. But in the end, there was nothing that she could do for the time being, and could only hope that at some point in time, she would be able to deal with this guy and send him away.

The two of them managed to get into the lecture theater block that was in charge of the financial statistics. Then, they went to the third floor, and entered into the huge lecture hall.

Scarlet was the first one to enter into the room. The moment that she got in, she immediately went towards the back of the lecture hall. That was usually the position that she took during lectures.

Jaden on the other hand had just arrived, and he was definitely clueless about what financial statistics dealt with. And for that reason, it was definitely impossible for him to be sitting in front. So, just as Scarlet, he went behind and sat on a chair that was one row away from her.

Scarlet frowned when she realized that Jaden was also sitting at the back. She could not help but think that this guy was too much serious when it came to his duty as a bodyguard. Since they were in class, what kind of danger could be here? Was he just going to make sure that he was everywhere that she was?

Truthfully saying, I did not mean for the fact that Scarlet understood that it was definitely impossible for her to be able to deal with him, he would have already beaten him up and chased him away from her.

In the end, she decided to ignore him, and focus on her phone, while waiting for the time for the classes to begin. The classes were going to begin at 8:30, and they were already several hours early. So, they would have to remain within the class for several hours.

Of course, in normal situations, if Scarlet came to school this early, she would be doing something else. But with this guy here, she was definitely restricted. If she did something on this guy informed her parents about it, it was definitely going to be troublesome. So, she decided to restrict herself for now, while waiting for a chance to get rid of him.

Realizing that there was nothing to do for the time being, Jaden decided to focus on the prompt that he had received after completing the mission of dealing with that group of gangsters.

[Congratulations on completing the mission. You have been rewarded with intermediate level combat skills.]

That was the prompt that he had received the moment that he finished dealing with the group of gangsters. Previously, he had not focused on it considering that there was another matter that they still had to handle.

But now that he was free, he focused on the reward. Intermediate level combat skills. He was not sure about how strong he would become after receiving the intermediate level combat skills, but even then, he believed that he would definitely get more powerful than before.

Just the basic level skills were enough for him to be able to deal with that group of gangsters. But with the intermediate level, he believed that it would be definitely easy for him to be able to deal with them.

Without hesitation, Jaden decided to retrieve the reward. The moment that he decided so, he suddenly felt like a huge hammer had been struck on his head. At the same time, he felt dizzy, while a huge load of information was suddenly poured into his mind.

The information was basically on what he was supposed to do when facing a certain situation and so on, all of them related to combat. At the same time, he felt like his muscles were being pricked by needles.

Of course, that kind of pain was not anything that could make Jaden flinch, but the problem was the fact that he was feeling the prickling sensation all over his body. So, even if it was not that painful, it was definitely uncomfortable for him.

For a moment, he could not help but twist his body a little, trying to relieve himself from the uncomfortable feeling. His movements definitely attracted Scarlet's attention, considering that she was paying attention to his movements all along.

Even though Jaden's movements were subtle, but still, they could not escape Scarlet. She might be looking at her phone, but even then, she was paying attention to Jaden.

She was still thinking of a method that she was going to utilize in order to deal with this guy. It was definitely going to be impossible for them to deal with him with a simple tactic of inviting a group of gangsters over.

He was capable of dealing with a group of gangsters who were attacking from a distance by himself without even needing her help. But still, he was capable of securing her safety while dealing with them without suffering any injury.

That was enough to demonstrate how capable this guy was. To say the truth, for a moment, she had been shaken by the attack. But even then, she did not believe that the Williams would continue attacking once again. After all, she had already texted her parents about what had happened, and she believed that they would definitely take care of the issue as soon as possible.

Leaving Scarlet aside, Jaden continued feeling the prickling sensation all over his body. At the same time, he felt like his muscles were squirming, which was completely uncomfortable for him.

Had it not been for the fact that he was currently next to Scarlet, he would have already been making bigger movements in order to relieve himself. But nevertheless, he could not do that, and could only try to endure it silently.

Finally, after about 2 minutes, the sensation completely disappeared. But at this moment, Jaden could not help but feel like there was something wrong. Why was it that he felt like his strength had not increased at all?

With all the prickling sensation all over his body, he had been expecting that perhaps his strength would be increased by a certain margin. After all, how was he supposed to possess intermediate combat level skills and execute them if he did not possess enough strength?

At this moment, the system responded to him through a prompt.

[The host has to understand that the reward that he has received is basically the skills, and not a direct improvement on the host's physical capabilities. If the host wants to improve his own physical capabilities, he would have to complete missions with the reward that is related to physical improvement.]

Jaden thought about it for a while, before he found it reasonable. In any case, even if it was true that he could not fully execute the intermediate combat level skills with his current physical capabilities, but that did not mean that he had not improved.

It might be true that he would not be as efficient with the skills as he would have been if he was stronger, but even then, he was definitely way better than before. The information that he had received before was something that was related to the intermediate combat skills, and he understood them quite well.

Deciding not to focus on the matter for the time being, Jaden took out his old smartphone, before he began scrolling through the internet looking for any news that was related to the Williams.

Since he was going to deal with them, it was better if he was going to receive information about them and get himself prepared. Otherwise, he might end up facing something that he had not expected. At that moment, he began investigating about the members of the Williams family.