Stunning Skills

At that moment, even Scarlet who had just made a call, which was still ringing, could not help but widen her eyes. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest, as she thought that they were definitely going to die.

Jaden had also not been expecting something like this to happen. So, of course, he was caught completely off guard. But still, he was able to react almost immediately.

Releasing the accelerator, Jaden immediately stepped onto the brakes. But of course, he did not fully press the brakes, and only pressed onto the brakes in order to reduce the speed of the Ferrari.

Of course, it was going to be impossible for him to be able to avoid crashing into the vehicle in front of him by just reducing the speed. After all, the speed at which his car was moving at, as compared to the one in front of him, it was impossible for the gap between them not to be close.