Independence and Reliance

Scarlet on the other hand did not seem to be bothered by what the others were saying. Instead, after she found a seat, she looked at Jaden and asked, "What do you want to do? You can decide that on your own. If you want to stay, or you want to take another room for yourself."

The other ladies In the room could not help but be surprised when Scarlet asked that question. In normal occasions, Scarlet would definitely make the decisions herself. But right now, she was actually asking a person, especially considering that the person that she was asking was her subordinate.

Jaden thought about it for a while, before responding, "There's no need for you to trouble yourself that much. I'll just be going around for a little while. I do believe that you will be here for quite a while, right?"

"Yeah. I'll be here for quite some time. What is it? Do you have something that you want to deal with?" Scarlet responded with raised brows.