You'll Lose that Finger!

Second tiger was seating on a couch with a frown on his face. In his hand was a tablet with the information that he had asked his underlings to investigate.

The information was about the group of people that had destroyed one of the gang's small bases, leading to the gang being investigated. This had caused the gang to be suffering some inconveniences, making most of the operations of the gang to stop.

Of course, the loss that they had suffered due to the loss of the people that they had kidnapped was also innumerable. It was impossible to be able to recover that loss for quite a short time, considering that it was supposed to be a big deal that was to be made.

Other than this piece of information, there was yet another piece of information that was related to the person that was preventing the group that he had sent over to a certain cosmetics company to cause trouble, from completing their mission.