Ruby's Request, Another Mission

"Why are you following us? Don't you have somewhere that you can go to?" Jaden asked as he looked at Ruby scrutinizingly.

Ruby took a deep breath when she faced Jaden's question. After a moment of silence, she responded, "I do have somewhere that I can go, it is just that the place that I can go to is not safe. I am being targeted, and I'm pretty sure that second tiger will not let me go."

"So? Why does that concern me? Why should you follow us because second tiger is targeting you?" Jaden asked, even though he already possessed guesses of his own.

"I'm pretty sure that you already know about it. You are the only person that has been able to compete against second tiger, and get away. Additionally, the two of you are already enemies, so, it is impossible for you to be able to get together.