Mission Generated

"Why don't you just ask her? That is going to solve everything, right?" Jaden asked.

Scarlet simply frowned upon hearing Jaden's suggestion. Then, after a moment of contemplation, she responded, "I don't want her to know what I want to get for her. I want it to be a surprise for her. It will no longer be a surprise if she already knows that I am intending to buy her something."

Jaden raised his brows upon hearing that. What could he say now? Nothing. At the end of it all, if Scarlet did not know what she could buy for her mother, then why did she even bother to think much about it?

She could not ask, because she wanted to keep it hidden, and it was going to be a surprise for Lynette. But if she did not ask, how was she supposed to know what Lynette would love?

This was a dilemma, and neither Jaden nor Scarlet knew how to solve it. Jaden had already given the suggestion that he was having, but it was outrightly rejected by what Scarlet had said.