Ben's Offer

"…My name is Ben Raymond. And I am the official and true leader of the tiger gang."

Jaden immediately understood when Ben introduced himself. It turned out that the reason why he had asked if Jaden knew about the tiger gang was simply because he was the leader of the gang.

Nonetheless, Jaden was quite curious about how this guy had come to find him. And more than that, why was it that he was looking for him? Could it be that he had gotten some clue about the reason why the tiger gang had been wiped out?

But Jaden thought that the probability of something like that being true was extremely low. After all, other than himself, all the other people that were together with Scott had been wiped out.

So, maybe there was a person that had seen Jaden going into that building, where the tiger gang had been wiped out. And perhaps that was the source of the information that Ben had received.