Two Halves of a Soul Finally Reunited

They held each other so tightly, as if they were about to merge into one. Like two halves of a soul finally reunited, hoping to meld together and never be separated again.


"Focus, Aiden," whispered his companion, nudging him gently. "We're here to help, not to ogle at the healers."

Aiden shook his head, tearing his gaze away reluctantly. "Right, sorry," he murmured, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Despite their initial distraction, the Gamaaloth refocused their attention on the task at hand, determined to uncover the cause of the illness plaguing the villagers and assist in any way they could.

As the Gamaaloth continued their investigation, Reeve approached one of the healers, a wise-looking woman with a calm demeanor.