He knew it was her doing.

In the tranquil waters of the Sleeping Run River, once teemed with mystical creatures like the golden eels and golden shrimps, revered as the guardians of the waters.

These majestic beings, with their shimmering golden hues, held a sacred role in the river's ecosystem.

The golden eels would gracefully navigate the currents, guiding fallen organisms to the riverbed, while the golden shrimps meticulously decomposed them, nurturing the river's vitality.

For generations, the river had been the lifeblood of the nearby settlements, providing sustenance, hydration, and cleansing waters for daily chores.

Its bounty sustained the people and fostered a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of life. However, the serenity of the Sleeping Run was shattered by the relentless flow of pollution from Everkeep.

The once-golden inhabitants of the river now languished in the murky depths, their radiant hues dulled by the toxic onslaught.