The Sweet Sugary Lavender Scent

As the night deepened and the plans became more detailed, there was a shared sense of purpose that resonated through the room.

In the royal meeting chamber, heavy with the scent of oak and the soft glow of candlelight, Adeline stood before King Ragnar, her expression serious and her posture rigid with urgency.

The massive room, adorned with tapestries depicting ancient battles and victories, seemed to close in around them as the gravity of the situation took hold.

Adeline listened intently, her mind already racing through the logistics of the operation.

Ragnar continued, his strategy clear, "Adeline, you must stay in Clearport with Sophia. And inform Uzana that she must return immediately to take over my duties here in Clearport."

"Very well, Your Majesty," Adeline responded, her voice a mixture of respect and concern.