You will not go without me!

What you did to me and Ymat was incredibly dangerous, Sophia!

— Ragnar

Adeline and Helvis, in particular, felt the weight of their choices pressing down on them.

Their hearts torned for allowing themselves to be submitted by Ragnar's commands and defying Sophia's, knowing that they had betrayed not just Sophia but the very values they had always upheld.

As Sophia confronted them, her eyes reflecting a mix of disappointment and hurt. It was a betrayal that threatened to fracture the very foundation of their clan and the trust that had bound them together for so long.

The contrast between Adeline and Helvis, trembling with fear, and Ragnar, who met Sophia's gaze with a flat, cold, and distant stare, was stark. It was as if Ragnar was silently challenging, "What will you do now, Sophia?"

"Very well, I will depart now," Ragnar said, deciding to break the tense standoff between himself and Sophia. "Take care of yourself, Sophia and Clearport!"