But you cannot defy fate, Your Majesty, no matter how hard you try.

The grand hall of Pearslea Keep echoed with the weight of King Ragnar's fury as he stood before Elder Cryica, his face contorted with anger at her plea to reconsider his punishment against Queen Sophia.

"Your Majesty, I implore you to reconsider your punishment against Queen Sophia," Elder Cryica's voice resonated through the hall, her tone calm yet filled with urgency.

"You cannot change someone's essence, even if they lose their memories. Sophia will always be Sophia, and she will inevitably fulfill her destiny as foretold."

Ragnar's eyes blazed with frustration and disbelief. "You dare question my decisions, Elder?" His voice boomed, the force of his anger palpable. "If you do not wish for me to end your life right here and now, then leave Pearlsea Keep immediately!"

Despite the intensity of Ragnar's rage, Elder Cryica remained composed, her gaze steady as she continued to plead her case.