What fierce creatures did you slay this time, Prince?

This chapter is related to the chapter "The Princes and Their Silent Suffering" Please reread that chapter for reference.


"State your intentions clearly. This is Gamaaloth territory, and you tread on sovereign ground."

The tension was electric, poised on the brink of erupting into conflict.

Every person present understood that the results of this confrontation could send shockwaves across the kingdoms, potentially reshaping alliances and determining destinies.

His voice was ice as he addressed Vicar, "This ends now, Vicar. Remove your men from my land, or be prepared to face the consequences. Pearlsea Keep is under the protection of the Gamaaloth Kingdom, and any act of aggression will be met with equal force."

Vicar lay sprawled on the ground, the impact of his fall sending a jolt of pain through his body.