The Strength of Mighty Oak

🔞⛔️Please refrain from opening this chapter if you are under 18 years old. Exercise discretion; this is a work of fiction with all its imaginative elements.


For Helvis, there was no greater pleasure than witnessing her husband's transformation, a reminder of the untamed wilderness that lay within them both.

As Roman's muscles rippled beneath her touch, Helvis reveled in the sensation of his powerful physique. His low, rumbling groans only fueled her desire further, igniting a primal passion between them.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Helvis traced the contours of his form, relishing the way his breath hitched with each deliberate caress.

She delighted in the transformation that inevitably followed, as Roman embraced his Halfbeast nature, his primal instincts awakening in tandem with her own.