The Mutual Interest and Personal Vendetta

The rider dismounted with a fluid, practiced grace, each movement exuding confidence and control. His eyes, deep and piercing, scanned the gathered crowd, taking in their curious and wary expressions.

Finally, his gaze settled on the figure striding purposefully towards him—Everkeep's ruler, Lord Vicar Engeram.

"Welcome to Everkeep," Vicar greeted, his voice resonating with strength and respect. "It is an honor to host you and Orgarth, The Gifted One."

The rider inclined his head in acknowledgment.

Vicar gestured towards the castle, inviting the warrior to walk with him. "Please, come inside. We have much to discuss. Your arrival is both unexpected and fortuitous."

As they began to walk, Vicar continued, "I assume your journey was not made lightly."

"No," the warrior agreed, his tone measured. "I come with urgent matters."