So be it, old friend.

"I want to destroy the Central Gamaaloth Kingdom and the Cescil Kingdom. The war a year ago was not about justice or honor. It was a personal dispute between Ragnar, Sophia, and Queen Oda. Why should so many suffer and die for their interests? Including Lavatri."

"And you think this is the way to honor her memory? By causing more death and destruction?"

"Yes." He replied solemnly. "I did what I had to do to bring down the kingdom of Central Gamaaloth. Too many lives were lost in the war for the sake of Ragnar and Sophia's personal vendettas. Including Lavatri, my betrothed. I couldn't stand by and watch it happen again."

Rast's expression hardened. "You've caused irreparable harm, Arnulp. Lavatri died protecting her fellow healers, and you betrayed her and our kingdom."

"Why Lavatri?" Arnulp's voice echoed off the cavern walls, filled with accusation as he pointed his sword menacingly at Rast.