In a swift and unexpected maneuver, Arn disarmed Rast, causing his sword to spin down into the rocky valley below. Rast staggered backward, momentarily shocked by the loss of his weapon.
Seizing the opportunity, Arn delivered a powerful kick to Rast's chest.
"You're done for, Rast!"
Gasping for breath, Rast felt himself teetering on the cliff's edge, his body slipping into freefall.
With a desperate cry echoing through the canyon, he called out to his dragon companion below.
"Sopheor! The Redeemer!"
Sopheor's keen senses detected movement behind them.
However, a thunderous roar, another dragon, Orgath, lunged from dark clouds, its jaws clamping down on Sopheor's neck.
The force of the attack tore through Sopheor's flesh, causing the dragon to cry out in pain.
"Sopheor!!!" Rast's voice echoed through the tumultuous air as he plummeted towards the ground.