Mum II

Shuffle Playlist- Fallin 4 U by Nicki Minaj


''Mom!'' Bia called and ran to stand next to her.

''Mom?'' Georgia asked a little loudly.

''Mom? The little girl just called Miss Sabrina her mother…'' Georgia turned and looked at Vincent whose face became aloof and unreadable.

''When did she give birth to such a grown child?'' At that moment, only Georgia was asking a few rhetorical questions.

One glance at Vincent's face and Sabrina knew she had messed up by bringing Bia along. Bia always used this tactic on strangers she felt wanted to get closer to Sabrina. She was protective of Sabrina.

Vincent looked at the little girl next to Sabrina and his head went a little blank. The little girl just called Sabrina her mother. Was Sabrina secretly married? If she was married, why did was she chasing him? Is that why she told him he was unattractive?

There were a lot of questions in Vincent's head. He looked at Sabrina and let out a sarcastic chuckle.

''Way to go, Sabrina. I will teach you a lesson for messing with me.'' Vincent said coldly.

''No, you're mistaken. Bia is not my daughter. Hey, what did I tell you about messing with strangers?'' Sabrina looked at Bia.

Bia looked at Vincent and spoke. ''He is more gullible than he looks. Aunt, this uncle can't even take a joke.'' Bia shook her head and added. ''He is not qualified. Fail!''

''Bia, that's enough!'' Sabrina warned the little girl before looking up at Vincent. ''Mr. Maraj, I'm sorry about that. My niece is a little mischievous.''

Vincent stepped closer to Bia and leaned over the girl's level. ''You seem smarter than your aunt so I will speak to you instead. You and your aunt just messed with the wrong person. She is going to have a hard time in the industry and I will make sure of it. Like aunt, like niece.''

Bia glared at Vincent and scoffed. ''Then, I will haunt you to the ends of the world. Don't mess with my aunt. Aunt, let's go. This man isn't worth your time. He is childish.'' Holding Sabrina's hand, Bia pulled her along as she walked out.

''Bia, wait…'' Sabrina turned and looked at Vincent before leaving with Bia.

''CEO, she is just a child. You didn't have to…''

''A child shouldn't threaten adults. That little girl has a sharper mouth than her aunt.'' Vincent walked away.

''Bia, what was all that amount?'' Sabrina asked when they got inside the car.

''I just couldn't stand and watch that man bully you. Aunt, is he that important to you?''

''He is very important to me. He… he might be able to help me with the curse.''

''Really?'' Bia's eyes widened.

''Mm! I tested it and he really can help me. I need him. Even if he is cold towards me, I don't have a choice.''

''Then, I guess I blew it up for you. Aunt, I'm sorry for not controlling my anger.'' Bia's face swelled up with guilt.

''It's alright! Aunt will take care of it.'' Sabrina kissed Bia's forehead.

''No, I will go and apologize.'' Bia tried to open the door.

''No, Bia. You don't have to do anything. I will handle it. Let's go, we still have a fun trip to make. Let's have fun today, okay?''

''Okay, aunt!'' Bia smiled. As Sabrina drove them out of the building, Bia looked outside the car.

Vincent watched Sabrina's car from the tinted glass window. His face was unreadable as he draped his hands inside his pockets.

''Sir, I looked into the meeting of Miss Sabrina and Fernandez last night. Last night was their first time of meeting but it seems Mr. Fernandez has some interest in Miss Sabrina. He has been keeping tabs on her for some reason.'' Georgia finished putting the cup of coffee on the table and spoke.

''Did I ask you for such information?'' Vincent turned and picked up the coffee to sip.

''You did not. I was just been nosy. Excuse me, sir.'' Georgia replied and left the office.

After Georgia left the office, Vincent sat down and mumbled. ''Did I really misunderstand her? She could have just said it was a misunderstanding. Besides, that niece is just like her…''


Luna Estates- Beverly Hills.

Tia had a lot of meetings to attend as she was arranging Sabrina's works for the next year. The year was ending, and she needed to arrange new works for Sabrina so that she would have something to do in the next new year.

By the time she got home it was already midnight. She didn't expect to see Sabrina in the hall. Tia changed out of her shoes and walked to the hall.

''Darling, it's so late, why are you still awake?'' Tia asked.

''I was waiting on you.'' Sabrina stood up and went to the kitchen. She poured a cup of warm water and mixed it with honey and brought it to Tia. ''Drink this, it will help you relax.''

''Thank you!'' Tia sipped a bit of the water and looked at Sabrina. ''How did it go with Mr. Maraj? Did you clear up the misunderstanding he has of you?'' Tia asked.

Sabrina shook her head. ''No! He probably wouldn't want to see me again.''

''Why? Did something happen?'' Tia finished drinking the water and placed the cup on the table.

''He got into it with Bia. She thought I was being bullied and jumped in. You know how Bia is with words…''

''But she is just a kid. How could he take her words seriously? Bia's words can be sharp when it comes to you, but she is still a kid. Darling, when I went to Muse Records, I heard something.''

''What did you hear?'' Sabrina became curious.

''Tyme Magazine is venturing into the film industry. I heard that Mr. Maraj has already secured the rights of publications to a few classics and wants to turn them into adaptations. He is currently looking into casting some dubbing actresses for the adaption.''


''Yes, and the most buzzing adaptation that is currently creating waves is the 'The Unbridled Assistant.', your all-time favorite comic.''

''The Unbridled Assistant is my favorite comic. It has a lot of good reviews. I can't believe he actually got the rights to turn it into a live action movie.''

''That's my words exactly. So, I asked around and it seems he hasn't settled on the lead actress yet. Didn't you say you wanted to try acting live for once before anything happens? I think this will be a good opportunity. Besides, you've read the comic over a zillion times and still read it till today. You will be the best person to take up the role.''

''But right now, I am already in his bad books. Mr. Maraj will never give me the opportunity.'' Sabrina was certain she had pissed Vincent off and he was going to take revenge on her.

''Darling, why don't you try apologizing to him first?'' Tia suggested.

''That's what I went to do but I ended up making him angry. You should have seen his face. It was as if he wanted to tear me into pieces right there. Just thinking about it gives me the chills.'' Sabrina's body quivered.

''Don't worry, I will think of a different method. No matter what, we must get this role.'' Tia patted Sabrina's shoulder affectionally.


Luna Estates-Beverly Hills.

Tia rushed out of her bedroom an entered Sabrina's room. It was still in the early hours of the day. ''Darling, wake up. Wake up, darling, this is not the time to be sleeping…'' Tia continued to shake Sabrina's body in an attempt to wake her up.

''Darling, let me sleep some more. I didn't sleep early last night.'' Sabrina murmured sleepily and turned to the other side of the bed.

''This is not the time to sleep. Today is the casting for 'The Unbridled Assistant'!'' Tia yelled and Sabrina sat up at once.


''I managed to get the number of Mr. Maraj's assistant and she told me about it. Guess who is also going to audition for the role of Gwen?''

''Who?'' Sabrina asked, a little confused.

''Celia Manu!''

''Celia Manu?'' Sabrina's lips parted in shock.

''Even I was shocked. Darling, get up and wash up. We have to get there immediately.''

Sabrina got out of bed and rushed into her bathroom. Sabrina picked the tablet she came inside with and started doing some research while standing by the door to the bathroom.

''Celia doesn't usually do live action or adaption series but this time around she expressed interest in it and according to Georgia, Vincent asked her to audition. Do you know what else I found out?''

''What did you find out?'' Sabrina asked as she took her bath.

''Celia and Vincent grew up together. They are considered childhood sweethearts. Right from infancy, they have been friends. Their mothers are like sisters and there has been rumors that they are engaged. I think she might be a competition to you. They have closer relationship.''