I'm Sorry...

Shuffle Playlist: Too Hurt To Fall In Love by Lauren Spencer Smith.

Ben stood up and picked a brown envelope from the side. He tore it open and threw the pictures at Vincent. ''I see you messing with another actress, this time is a voice actress. You even took her to Milan with you. Vincent, why won't you ever learn that these kinds of women only want what they can get from you?''

''Are you keeping tabs on me again?'' Vincent looked at the several pictures of himself and Sabrina and laughed. ''Why am I not surprised?''

''I am doing this for your own good. I wondered who the woman you wanted to make the female lead was, and then, I found out that you even went to Milan with her. How is she better than Celia?''

''Is that why you turned the shareholders against me and forced me to replace her with Celia?''

''I still have shares in that company and I am your father. I won't allow you to bring your worth down. Kick her out of the production or I will make sure this series don't see the light of day.'' Ben Maraj continued to threaten Vincent.

''Are you threatening me? Even if you have shares in the company and want to use the shareholders against me, Sabrina will not leave the production of this series. She has a lot of potential.''

''Are you challenging me?''

''Father, you know what I can do. Don't push me to the wall. You are going to regret it. If Celia is that important to your business, why don't marry her yourself?''

Ben slapped Vincent after those words came out. ''How dare you?''

''Vincent, how can you talk to your father like that? He is just looking out for what's good for you.''

''My words exactly! You don't get to decide for me who I marry and that is final. If one more statement or rumor comes out involving me with Celia in this marriage, you will hear from my lawyers.'' Vincent said before leaving.

''Honey, calm down. You shouldn't have slapped him. Both of you need to calm down.'' Ethel pulled Ben back to the couch as she spoke.


Luna Estates.

''Hello, darling, when are you planning to come back? I seem to have left my keys inside when I was leaving.'' Sabrina asked Tia over the phone as she stood in front of their door.

When she was leaving in the afternoon, she forgot to bring along her keys and the door locked her out automatically. The door lock was system generated. When it remains unlocked for a few minutes, the system reports it and the door gets locked automatically from the inside and only a key can open it back.

Lucia had picked up Bia earlier in the day to spend a few days with Lucia's mother who adored Bia. Sabrina decided to go shopping in the afternoon and Tia also had a few appointments to catch up with. It was only after returning that Sabrina realized she hadn't picked her key.

''I don't know, I'm still chatting with some industry people. It might take a couple hours before I can give an excuse and leave here.''

''Alright, don't worry. I will be fine.'' Sabrina replied.

''The weather is a little cold today. Will you be fine alone? Let's do this, give me a few minutes, I will find an excuse to leave.''

''No need, Tia. This is your work. Don't leave a bad impression on them. I will sit in the car and wait until you return. Don't worry about me.'' Sabrina assured Tia with a smile.

''Okay, darling, but if the weather is too cold, send me a text. I will come home immediately.''

''Alright, I will do that.'' Sabrina hung up the call. She placed the shopping bags at the door and turned to walk around the area. The weather in California had taken a drastic turn this December. It was only the 15th but the weather was getting colder by the day.

Sabrina regretted not bringing hand gloves along when she was leaving the house. The coldness of the weather was getting to her bones. She didn't want to sit in the car because it made her feel lonely. She felt that walking would make her body create heat instead of sitting down.

Before she knew it, Sabrina was standing in front of the purple allium villa. She cussed her brain for been stupid. This was the place Vincent stood the last time. Now that she was thinking about it, did he overhear her conversation with Bia that day?

That was unlikely but she really hoped he didn't hear anything. She wouldn't be able to explain anything to him.

Sabrina let out an exhausted sigh and turned to leave, but a car arrived and pulled over in front of her. Sabrina became startled when she saw Vincent getting down from the car. He closed the door and stared at her keenly without saying a word.

Now that they were standing face to face, Sabrina suddenly lost her voice and didn't know what to say. The silence between them was awkward. The atmosphere felt somewhat cold between them.

Sabrina turned to leave and Vincent spoke.

''I'm sorry, Sabrina!'' Vincent suddenly apologized. Sabrina turned back at once. Was she hearing it right? Did thee Vincent Maraj just apologize to her?

''I shouldn't have said those words to you in Milan. I was overwhelmed and took it out on you, and that was totally wrong of me to do.'' Vincent continued.

Sabrina closed her eyes and cussed. 'Sabrina, Sabrina, what did you tell Tia this morning? Didn't you say you were over him? Why are you melting from just a mere apology?'

''Celia and I are not engaged. Never was, never will.'' Vincent added as he took a step closer to Sabrina.

''Stop there! Don't come closer!'' Sabrina said as she stepped back. She turned and ran towards her villa immediately.

''Sabrina… Sabrina hold on…'' Vincent was confused. He didn't know why she suddenly ran away and decided to go after her.

Sabrina got to the door and remembered she didn't have the keys with her. She turned to go to the car and saw Vincent.

''You… what are you doing here, Vincent?'' Sabrina stuttered.

''I came to check on you. Are you alright?''

''Oh, I'm fine. You can leave now.'' Sabrina covered her face, feeling embarrassed.

''I will go after I see you inside.'' Vincent said and Sabrina frowned.

''You don't have to. This is my house. Vincent, just leave, okay?'' Sabrina forced a smile as she looked anywhere but Vincent's face.

''You keep looking at the ground. Did you lose something?'' Vincent was clearing teasing her but Sabrina had no idea.

''Huh, right, my bracelet. My bracelet just fell down and I can't seem to find it.'' Sabrina squatted on the ground and began searching for the nonexistent bracelet.

''Your bracelet? It's late, why don't you wait till tomorrow morning to look for it?''

''No!'' Sabrina exclaimed and turned at once when she saw Vincent getting closer. ''Don't come any closer.''

''Why? Sabrina, I just apologized to you. Are you that petty to not forgive me? You are the second person in the world to ever receive my sincere apology. Even my parents don't have that luxury.'' Vincent continued to walk closer.

''I've forgiven you, okay? You can go back now.'' Sabrina was nervous and almost at her breaking point. She felt that if Vincent came any closer, she would lose all momentum and force herself on him.

''I will help you look for the bracelet.''

''No need!'' Sabrina's reaction was suspicious. Her voice was unusually louder than normal. 'Why won't he just leave me alone?'

''Isn't the bracelet important to you?''

''It is. It is very important to me. In fact, it is my family heirloom, it's my dowry…'' Sabrina exclaimed and cussed herself. 'What nonsense are you saying, Sabrina?' She covered half of her family in utter mortification.

''Your dowry? Then, I have to look for it.'' Vincent started looking around the flower plants.

''You don't have to. Actually, it doesn't matter whether I find it or not.''

''Isn't it supposed to be given to your husband when you marry? I know blacks favor such things and seeing it as important. I will help you find it.''

''I said no need!'' Sabrina shouted with a frustrated exhale. ''I already said it's not important. Why are you helping me to find it? If I don't find it, then, I won't get married. What has it got to do with you?''

''I… you said it's important to you.'' Vincent smiled sheepishly.

''Yes, it is but I don't need it. It's getting late, you should go home.'' Sabrina placed her hands around her waist.

''Sabrina, you don't have the keys to your house, right?'' Vincent asked and Sabrina's eyes widened in shock.

''How did you know?''

''You were clearly running away from me. If you had the keys, you would have gone inside already instead of looking for excuses.'' Vincent cocked his brows when he realized he had hit the nail on the head.

Sabrina rolled her eyes. ''You are right. You can go now. I'm waiting for Tia to come and open the door. I will not be a hinderance to you.''