Did You Reject Me For Someone Like Him?

Shuffle Playlist; Driver's License by Olivia Rodrigo.

"No! I didn't get the chance to. He looked perturbed and took off before I could even ask him anything.''

''This… then, what happened? How does this have anything to do with your relationship with Vincent?''

''I went back to Playas last night to see if I could find that man we visited six months ago. I didn't get to meet him, but I met someone else. A woman. She is related to that man.''

''Okay! So, what did she say?''

''Vincent's presence can only work on me as long as we don't have feelings for each other. If we develop feelings for each other, it could lead to adverse effects on him.''


''His life could be in danger. She said our relationship will become a parasitic one where I am the one draining the life out of him.''

''What? Is it that serious? Then, isn't there a way to salvage it? Didn't she provide a solution?''