You Really Came!

''I'm happy to have you guys here and I hope you have a wonderful time. Let's meet after the show. Right now, I have to go for my meet and greet with the fans. They are waiting at the lounge.'' Nicki said and excused herself.

''Sure, go ahead.'' Sabrina replied.

''Whoa! I finally met Nicki again after two years. Chuckles, you must be excited to have met your godmother, right?'' Tia touched her stomach.

''Hold on! What name did you call the baby?'' Sabrina asked.

''Chuckles. That's the name we came up with for our child.'' Tia said excitedly.

Sabrina and Vincent looked at Kai and he gave them a helpless look. Sabrina shook her head and dragged Tia aside.

''Tia, did Kai really accept the name or did you force it on him? How could you make such a decision without talking to him about it?'' Sabrina asked.

''He accepted it. He didn't argue with me when I told him about it.''