
Shane and Lysandra then checked the mission board and found the full details of the mission…

The reward that they could get from the Shelter's Lord wasn't noted, but everyone they met who was talking about it knew that it would be amazing.

Unfortunately, these people only knew about white Diodia leaves. It was the most basic healing herb they could obtain, and everyone used it for almost any type of injury, even for a headache. It had healing properties, but it was too weak. Needless to say, this very weak healing herb wasn't the solution that the Shelter Lord was looking for.

"Do you think you can help?" Lysandra asked as she raised an eyebrow. She wasn't sure how Shane would be able to help here since the Shelter Lord didn't just need a temporary solution but a more stable one.

"With my new talent and Fast Regeneration Skill, I might be able to infuse a token or any object with my healing ability," Shane explained.