The Raid Party

Shane had already tried his Bio-Armor in combat, and with the help of his A.I. Assistant, he was able to gauge how good it was. However, even the Bio-Armor has its limits, so in order to fully utilize this incredible armor, he also had to be strong enough to lessen its burden during their integration.

In any case, Shane asked the three magicians to prepare for the next few days since he planned to bring them to raid the citadel.

Because of that, he gave them a room for themselves!

Sona set up an arcane workshop as she experimented with her frost magic to develop defensive enchantments for the walls.

Otto also had his own residence, but he wanted to just work on what Shane had assigned him to do. He was stationed in the defensive line and used his fire magic to destroy waves of zombies from afar.

Finally, Zephyrion remained in a room that Shane had arranged for him… It seemed that he was also preparing for their upcoming raid.