How dare you, Jessica!

Unknown to Jessica and her family, Dominic had secretly conducted a DNA test by taking a hair sample from the baby girl Jessica recognised as her child. Since the child's birth, Dominic has felt no connection to her. Especially when he saw his daughter's face. There was not a single resemblance between them. In fact, his daughter looks more like the man known to have had an affair with his wife, who was arrested at the same time as Jessica some time ago.

"If it is proven that she is the seed of this man, then I will no longer hesitate to divorce Jessica. She has told too many lies and made me sick," said Dominic, who waited two weeks in the doctor's office for the test results. 

It wasn't long before the doctor arrived with his daughter's DNA results, which he handed over to him. "Whatever the result, I hope you're not disappointed and can accept it with dignity," the doctor said, trying to encourage him.