

The ice needles detonated in a terrifying explosion, raising a blue cloud of ice shards.


The chakrams hit the ice pillar Chloe stood on.


Chloe jumped down, not taking her eyes off the ice cloud. 


Arach jumped out of the ice cloud. 


Chloe landed on the ground. 

Arach stared at her as his left hand hung beside his body, broken, with several ice shards imbued into it. His whole body was spiked with ice shards, making him look like a hedgehog. But the other ice shards were not in too deep.

Blood flowed down from the wounds on his arm to his fingers, dripping on the ground covered in ice. But it was by no means ordinary blood. The red blood had a hint of purple and green, as if three different blood types struggled to mix but ultimately could not.