Survival Arc

Weeks go by with Kyran having regular training sessions with Ms.Travers and sometimes Marcus, Kyra tries to spend time with Kyran but he always gave excuses which only prompted her to think that he hasn't forgiven her for what has happened. Days go by as they usually would but the one thing going through the Anderson's minds is Kiana's recovery which hasn't changed state despite the doctor's saying that she'll awake soon.

Night time is the moments current state as Kyra and Kyran are the only ones at home as Kyra is on the couch trying to think of a way to apologize to Kyran who is in his room going through the System. She takes in a deep breath and exhales as she walks to his room door and knocks.

"Kyran." she says.

"Y-Yeah," he says as he then whispers for the system to go "what do you need?"

"I just wanted to tal--" she gets cut-off as her phone rings but she cuts it.

"Shouldn't you answer that."

"It doesn't matter right now. I wa--" the phone rings again as she answers it and shouts "What is it!"

A man's voice is heard over the phone as he says "Sorry for disturbing you on your break but we've got an emergency report about an Order which hasn't come out of a bronze portal within the given time limit and we need you to go there and assess the situation."

"Isn't there anyone else who can go?" she complains.

"In situations like these the minimum tier required is Silver 2 but there isn't anyone that close to go there before situations escalate, you're our best and only Sealer there. With your capabilities it shouldn't take long."

"Fine," she hangs up "Kyran I-I..."

"It's okay do your job."

"I promise to talk to you later."

She grabs a long knife from the kitchen and her car keys as she jumps off the balcony of their apartment and drives off.

Meanwhile Kyran is still trying to get a better understanding of the System as he tries various phrases to trigger commands but to no result.

[ System has detected various calls]

[ Annoyance detected]

[ Commencing light punishment]

"Light pu--" he starts feeling an escalating pain in his groin "No Wait Sorry Please!"

[ Light punishment has been stopped]

[ Do not bombard the System. This is a warning.]

"You know for a system you talk as though there is someone in my head."

[ Incorrect. Due to authentication failure System is unable to connect. System has scanned Catalyst's speech and has only adapted.]

"Pretty suspicious but okay then."

He then hears the main door opening as he goes to check if Kyra came back but is instead greeted by his mother who has arrived from a tiring day of work. 

"Oh hi Kyran," she removes her shoes "is Kyra not here?" 

"Yeah," he answers "she got called up for work."

"Oh then let's..." she tries to suggest but is then cut-off by a phone from the hospital which she answers "Hello."

"Yes ma'am," a nurse answers "we need you to come to the hospital. You're daughter has woken up."

Kyran notices as his mother's face is shocked, "Mom? What's wrong?"

"Kyran," she tears up "dress up, Kiana has woken up.

He is then surprised as he quickly gets ready then they head out to the hospital in his mother's car. The drive is tense with none of them engaging in conversation as they rush to the hospital.

They arrive and quickly enter then are directed towards Kiana's room as they see the doctor waiting outside who stops them from barging in too suddenly.

"Ma'am please wait." he says.

"Why are you stopping me from seeing my child." she complains as she cries "Do you know how hard it's been for me."

"Ma'am we know and understand," the doctor says in a calm tone "but we must warn you to not stress her with too much information as she might experience extreme head-aches. We advice that you calmly approach her. You may enter now."

The doctor moves aside as they then slowly opens the door to Kiana's room which reveals her being desperately comforted by multiple nurses trying to calm her down.

"Kiana." she says calmly as Kiana turns to her with her eyes releasing rivers as she tries reaching for her.

"Mom." she cries "Mom. Mom."

Her mother comes to her and quickly embraces her in a warm hug as she cries intensely calling out to her.

"I'm here Kiana and I always will be."

Once they finished with the documents Kiana then falls asleep.

"I-Is she okay." her mother desperately asks the doctor who brings a brain scanning device and scans her. 

"She'll be fine," he assures her "she just fell asleep. She's safe to be taken home but please treat her with care for her mental state."

After this Kiana is carried by her mother down the hall with Kyran as he bumps into someone causing her to fall down. He is then lifted by a man in a suit as another man in a suit lifts the girl. She's dressed quite formerly in a yellow sun dress plated with small white jewels while wearing a large floppy hat which hides her face. She is about the same age as Kyran but a bit older and taller.

"I'm so sorry ma'am." Kyran apologizes yet she stays silent.

"Ma'am I'm deeply sorry," his mother desperately apologizes.

"It's okay," she says in a calm unconcerned voice trying to cover her face as her bodyguards shield her "there was no harm done." she adds as she continues on walking down the hospital hall.

The family heads towards their car as they have a peaceful drive home while Kyran feels more at ease looking at his sister rest her head on his lap. The drive is quiet yet a bright mood is clearly felt as they head home with smiles.

Meanwhile back at the hospital the girl enters an elevator with her bodyguards as they go upwards with her sinister smile barely being able to be held back.

"Another catalyst," she says as she removes her hat revealing her yellow eyes and light skin tone which then turn brown when the doors open as she exits "and the girl is quite interesting too."

She walks down the hall towards a room as a nurse tries to stop her from entering but one of the bodyguards blocks the nurse and shows her an official document which prompts the nurse to leave. The other bodyguard then opens the door for her to enter as she takes a seat besides the bed-ridden man who suddenly wakes up heavily breathing when he sees her as she shows her hand causing him to become quiet.

"L-Lady Knowles," he says in a shaky tone "you've personally come to see me but why, is your farther around?" 

"No unfortunately." she says in a flat tone as she snaps her fingers which prompts a guard to hold him down and cover his mouth "I just came to return the favor."

The other bodyguard injects a fluid from a purple syringe-needle which puts him back to sleep as they leave the hospital into a luxurious black car with black tinted passenger windows driving off to a private location in the mountains. Their setting has an advanced imperial style mansion with beautiful gardens, fountains and ponds which increase the beauty of the moonlight as there are multiple guards stationed in almost every area surrounding the mansion. They pull-up the driveway as she is escorted out of the vehicle into the mansion which although the exterior is technological its interior has a more classic fantasy look with a large marble sculpture of a swan, multiple flowers and large framed pictures of what seems like family generation ancestors.

She is guided up a wooden flight of stairs to the second floor, down the hall towards a large tall door which the bodyguard knocks on then opens the door as she enters a large room with a large wooden stylized desk multiple screens on the walls displaying statistics as the man behind the desk is sitting on a brilliantly made wooden chair looking down at a screen which covers the desk as he then looks up and walks towards her. He has a large beard covering his white skin-toned face as he's also bald with a cybernetic left hand.

"Azure," he says in a deep voice as he removes the hat and holds her shoulder "were the negotiations with Baldir able to go well."

"Yes they were father," she lies with no sign of it "it took some time but he eventually accepted the business proposal and wants to see you in about a weeks time."

"That's great," he says enthusiastically "you never disappoint. The banquet will be starting soon so do get ready for it. Your mother would be so proud."

'Lier' she thinks to herself while remaining composed as she heads to her room with her two bodyguards. She goes to her window and gazes outside at the empty driveway which is starting to be filled up by guest luxurious cars. 

"Is everything set?" she asked a bodyguard.

"Yes ma'am," he says "and are we part of the survival."

"Yes," she assures him "you won't die from the crumbling if you stay outside the mansion. I advise that you leave now."

The body guards exit the room as she eventually sees them waiting outside the mansion looking at her window as she then shows her hand signalling them to press a remote controlled button. They do so as multiple large explosions occur in the area and at the base of the mansion causing everyone to enter a state of panic as guards rush indoors to save the 3 Knowles family.

Mr Knowles exits his office in search of Azure constantly calling her name as the roof of the home begins to collapse. He bumps into his elder 18 year old daughter as she intensely clings to him.

"Lena," he shouts "where's Azure!"

"I saw her go to her room bu--" she tries to say more but he pushes her aside and runs off. "Father!"

He runs to Azure's room and finds her under some rubble which he uses his focus of summoning two humanoid soldiers made of stone which help him lift it off of her as he then grabs her out of it.

"Can you still run?" he shouts in concern.

"Y-Yes I can," she says in a scared tone "what about Lena?"

"She'll be fine. Right now you have to get to safety." he says as he makes his soldiers carry her as they rush out of the room. "Where are the guards!?" 

They rush through the burning rubble with more of it crumbling down as they barely make it to be able to see the front door then Azure notices Lena back trapped under a pile of rubble as she goes off to try and help her. She desperately tries her best to remove the rubble as this was not part of the plan while calling out to her father to come and help. He contemplates for a while as the flames rage on which snaps him out of it prompting him to order his soldiers to grab Azure and rush her out as Lena stays silent in shock due to him not even looking at her but only prioritizing Azure. She always knew that Azure was the favorite child but that very moment removed all her doubts. She wasn't loved. Suddenly rubble falls onto him covering his body from the neck down causing his soldiers to crumble down back to rubble.

"Azure!" he cries out to her "Help me!"

Azure rushes over to him and tries to lift the rubble but is unable to while her father also tries to summon his soldiers but that doesn't work either till he resorts to his last option. 

"Azure!," he calls to her while coughing "hold my head! I'll transfer my focus to you."

She quickly does so as his head veins dilate and turn darker as hers do the same from her arms all the way to her head causing her to scream in pain but not let go of his head. The process completes as she then stands up and goes to her sister.

"Azure!" he complains to her "What are you doing! Get me out of here!"

She turns to him as he sees her with a sinister smile which sends shock throughout his body.

"I'll come to you later." she says as she crouches in front of Lena "So Lena I have one question for you. Even after what you just witnessed after all those years of being forcefully put in my shadow by someone who basically so you as a disappointment with no focus."

"Azure please," Lena begs "what are you doing?"

"Okay 'us'," Azure scoffs "you know my focus that allows me to see the probability and strength of those who can have focus abilities and the most shocking thing is that yours is gonna be stronger than his." This shocks the both of them as the house begins to crumble even more.

"W-What are you saying." Lena says hesitantly.

"Yes," her eyes turn yellow "all you need are the right conditions to emerge it, but it seems that these conditions aren't working."

"Azure!" Mr Knowles shouts "We're gonna die in here *coughs* get me out, I'll give you anything!"

"Please I'll come to you later." she says "See that Lena he doesn't even care about you right now so here's the question. Do you want me to save him?"

"Yes!" Lena says without hesitation "We're better than this Azure think of what mother taught us!"

"Wrong answer," Azure says coldly "but since you're the only one who I hold genuine sentimental value to, I'll make it quick."

"W-Wha--" Lena tries to question but then Azure suddenly forms a rock soldier which stomps her head into the ground as blood splatters all over.

Azure then goes and crouches at her father who is terrified by what he just saw.

"Azure calm down." he tries to negotiate but is cut-off.

"You know I was given the option to save one of you but that was obviously not going to be you." she laughs with her yellow eyes intimidating him.

"Just kill me," he yells "it's what you want isn't it!"

"No no no," she denies him which shortly relieves him "I can't let you go out that easily." fear grabs his heart with ice cold claws "You're going to feel every moment of your painful demise."

She makes one of the soldiers build a cover for his head as he burns in pain. She then leaves the mansion's area by being carried by a soldier to find a large group of fancy cars where all the guards await her. She then enters the car but before the door closes a guard brings a black puppy to her.

"Ma'am." the guard gets her attention "what about Miss Bella?"

Suddenly a rock soldier grabs the puppy and snaps its neck then throws it into the burning mansion as all the guards are shocked with some disgusted.

"I did love Bella," Azure says "but my sister was the closest to me besides my dead mother. I don't need sentimental connections to slow me down. Let's move and masks on."

She says as they all put on masks similar to those of Colt's gang as the soldiers crumble down into rubble then they drive off in the beautiful night leaving a blazing mansion behind them.

'I did not plan to take his focus like that but still works for me,' she thinks to herself as she then takes out a remote then presses a black button as the mansion receives another explosion "Can't waist good explosives. The families fortune can do a lot but besides," she gives a devious smile "I have a greater Kingdom to serve. Let's play Catalyst 9."