3. Peace Sign

"Who did it!? Give me a name and I will subdue them! Like this! Hiya! I will throw them a Hucha!"

Lena's face puffed up like a chipmunk's. She rolled back her sleeves and started thumping on the ground, "Who is bullying my brother? This is unforgivable!!"

Seeing his little sister get angry at him, Louise could not help but smile. He calmed himself, held back his tears and approached Jia with a hug.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"...But you look like someone threw purple berries at you,"

Louie's overly exciting massage had become bruises. His spotted face caused his sister no end of worries. But as much as he liked seeing her pouting expression, he waved his hand to brush away the worry in her.

"Hehehe, you should've seen the other guy. I gave him Master Lena's special knockout hook and kick!"

Lena's eyes were shining. Amazed and enthralled by her brother's "heroism" in fighting back against bullying.

As always, her brother was someone who stood for what's right, "Hehehe, as expected of me…" Lena's words stopped halfway because of a cough.

Louie quickly got up to get Lena water.

Having her drink it, he wiped her mouth and asked, concerned, "How do you feel?"

"Heh, I'm fine." she proudly claimed while pounding her chest.

But the pale color on her face and her quivering lips made it hard not to notice. However, Louie ignored it and clapped for Lena's bravery.

The entire day, Louie spent it with his sister.

He didn't go out to work and instead kept his little sister accompanied.

At night, he even ordered take out and, with glittering eyes, Lena asked him, "What's today? No, can we even afford this?"

Louie placed his hand to his waist and looked up to the ceiling and boldly claimed, "Hehehe, your brother got the scholarship at the Academy, we no longer need to worry about food and rent!"


Lena threw her hands up in the air. Celebrating the fruit of her brother's efforts.

That was a lie.

Louie was just painfully aware of his sister's self-awareness. If he didn't say anything that would justify such spending, then it would just sour the mood.

Seeing her so happy and relieved of worries, Louie smiled, thinking he did the right thing, 'All that matters is that she's happy.'

"Okay, let's eat!"



The pair's hearts skipped a beat as the next door tenant banged on the door. The two looked at each other and laughed to themselves.

Night arrived, and having filled her stomach for the first time in a long time, Lena failed to fight against her eyes and fell asleep without much fight.

Tucking her to bed, Louie watched Lena's content face and once again found himself tearing up.

'I'm really back to the past, huh?'

It was a surreal experience. One moment he was fighting and another he was spending his time with the little sister.

Lena was his only family.

But they were not bound by blood.

She was the daughter of their father's second marriage.

They had parents, but when Louie was six and Lena was one, their "mother" left with another man.

When Louie turned 12, it was their "father" who disappeared.

Now they were the only ones each other had.

But despite not being related, Louie treated Lena as his real sister. He worked hard for both of them. But when she turned eight, things went from bad to worse.

Lena was diagnosed with a rare condition called [Invasive Mana Degradation] . It was a complication that happens when a person's body is reactive to the impurities of the worldly essence, or as others called it, Aether.

Those afflicted suffer painful lesions where the black spots were found.

That step-mother who disappeared with another man and

Lena was diagnosed with a rare condition called [Invasive Mana Degradation] . It was a complication that happens when a person's body is reactive to the impurities of the worldly essence, or as others called it, Aether.

Those afflicted suffer painful lesions where the black spots were found. And half of Lena's body was covered in these black spots.

If everything went as it did before, Lena would die half a year from now. Not from the IMD [Invasive Mana Degradation] but from a Stampede that would decimate the district where they live. The buildings would be destroyed, and many would die, including Lena.

But now that Louie was back in time, he would do everything in his power to

'What's the date? February 17. 214, it happens at the end of March. So that's one month away. I still have time to prepare.'

Brushing Lena's hair, Louie's eyes were soft, 'Just a little more, and you won't have to suffer any more because of me… I will take care of you this time, little light.'

Louie got up and went to the kitchen to get a knife. And then gave Lena one last look, "I'll be back." before stepping out of the apartment and closing the door behind him.

As Louie closed the door behind him and the warmth in his eyes disappeared. His crimson eyes became entrenched in the mire of madness that he was known for. He hid the knife on his waist.

Then he stood in wait in front of the apartment. Unmoving.

"I hate going here. The ceilings always bump my he–ow!!"

"Hehehe, what an idiot."

"What did you say!? Who's the idiot—hooho, would you look at that, the little fucker is waiting for us!"

From the stairway, a voice came out. Three men wearing suits tattooed up to their necks appeared.

"Hehe, you look a little rough there, stick. You got into a fight?" the lanky giant commented.

"Heh, this kid? I don't think he can even throw a single punch." the bloated giant to the right mocked, "He'll break his wrist if he tries to do so."

"Hehe, you might be right. What was I thinking?"

"That's enough from you two." The one in the middle who had kept quiet all this while stopped the two as he lit up a cigar.

As for the two, they followed his orders without questions asked.

Puffing his cigar, the giant exchanged looks with Louie, "What's with those eyes, Stick?"

'Bjern, that stuck in the mud face is a lot more tolerable now that he's younger.'

"You said you'd break my arm if I didn't have your money right? I'm a little tense." Louie answered.

The only inheritance left behind by his father came to take their dues.

And these three Giants did odd jobs who were currently playing the role of Debt Collectors for the Light Oracles.

Louie was in opposition to three well-built men, who, in comparison to their herculean build made him seem like a dwarf.

He stood at around 170 centimeters (5'7") with a body that would break with a kick.

They could fold his clothes with him still inside it, yet he didn't shirk away.

He had a past with them, or rather, a future.

Louie knew them.

For the next three years, Louie had been trying his hardest to pay off the debt, but recently, their ways had been getting violent. Their threats became more frequent, and from what he experienced, tonight would be the night where they would make their demonstration.

"By the way you're looking, did you finally get the money?" Bjern asked with anticipation.

With how Louise was acting, it made no sense why he would be so confident against someone like Bjern.

"Let me ask Mister Bjern something first. Why am I paying you the money that my father owed?" Louise answered with a question of his own.

"Hey! Watch your words, you little shit! Do you know who you're talking to!?" one of the loan sharks beside Bjern shouted.

"Don't worry about it. We're here to break his arm, don't be too uptight. Let him put on airs." Bjern took a puff and shrugged his shoulders, "To answer your question — because that's how it is. If the debtor disappears, it falls to their families to pay. That's just how it works. I don't make the laws, I just enforce them."

Loan Sharks have no qualms on how they get their money and Debt Collectors have to get their money or else. They don't have any papers signed anyway, and with the father gone, the family takes care of the mess even if they are not directly involved. If they were taken to be "harvested", they would go "missing" and that would be the end of it.

"If that's the case, then if I can point you where he's hiding, will you erase us from your crosshairs?"

"Hooh, that's interesting. We couldn't find your father even after combing through the surrounding region after he ran away. If you can actually do that, I'll see to it that your debt is cleared." Bjern again puffed a smoke and blew it on Louise's face, "But if you're fucking with me, I'll crush your nuts and that one, we won't be healing."

Getting up, Louie adorned my face with a simple lackluster expression, "Do you have a car?"

"Who did it!? Give me a name and I will subdue them! Like this! Hiya! I will throw them a Hucha!"

Lena's face puffed up like a chipmunk's. She rolled back her sleeves and started thumping on the ground, "Who is bullying my brother? This is unforgivable!!"

Seeing his little sister get angry at him, Louise could not help but smile. He calmed himself, held back his tears and approached Jia with a hug.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"...But you look like someone threw purple berries at you,"

Louie's overly exciting massage had become bruises. His spotted face caused his sister no end of worries. But as much as he liked seeing her pouting expression, he waved his hand to brush away the worry in her.

"Hehehe, you should've seen the other guy. I gave him Master Lena's special knockout hook and kick!" 

Lena's eyes were shining. Amazed and enthralled by her brother's "heroism" to fight back against bullying. 

As always, her brother was someone who stood for what's right, "Hehehe, as expected of m…" Lena's words stopped halfway because of a cough.

Louie quickly got up to get Lena water.

Having her drink it, he wiped her mouth and asked, concerned, "How do you feel?"

"Heh, I'm fine." she proudly claimed while pounding her chest.

But the pale color on her face and her quivering lips was hard to not notice. However, Louie ignored it and clapped for Lena's bravery.

The entire day, Louie spent it with his sister. 

He didn't go outside to work and instead kept his little sister accompanied.

At night, he even ordered take out and with glittering eyes, Lena asked him, "What's today? No, can we even afford this?"

Louie placed his hand to his waist and looked up to the ceiling and boldly claimed, "Hehehe, your brother got the scholarship at the Academy, we no longer need to worry about food and rent!"


Lena threw her hands up in the air. Celebrating the fruit of her brother's efforts.

That was a lie. 

Louie was just painfully aware of his sister's self-awareness. If he didn't say anything that would justify such spending, then, it would just sour the mood.

Seeing her so happy and relieved of worries, Louie smiled, thinking he did the right thing, 'All that matters is that she's happy.'

"Okay, let's eat!"



The pair's hearts skipped a beat as the next door tenant banged on the door. The two looked at each other and laughed to themselves.

Night arrived, and having filled her stomach for the first time in a long time, Lena failed to fight against her eyes and fell asleep without much fight.

Tucking her to bed, Louie watched Lena's content face and once again found himself tearing up. 

'I'm really back to the past, huh?'

It was a surreal experience. One moment he was fighting and another he was spending his time with the little sister. 

Lena was his only family.

But they were not bound by blood.

She was the daughter of their father's second marriage.

They had parents, but when Louie was six and Lena was one, their "mother" left with another man.

When Louie turned 12, it was their "father" who disappeared. 

Now they were the only ones each other had. 

But despite not being related, Louie treated Lena as his real sister. He worked hard for both of them. But when she turned eight, things went from bad to worse.

Lena was diagnosed with a rare condition called [Invasive Mana Degradation] . It was a complication that happens when a person's body is reactive to the impurities of the worldly essence, or as others called it, Aether.

Those afflicted suffer painful lesions where the black spots were found.

That step-mother who disappeared with another man and 

Lena was diagnosed with a rare condition called [Invasive Mana Degradation] . It was a complication that happens when a person's body is reactive to the impurities of the worldly essence, or as others called it, Aether.

Those afflicted suffer painful lesions where the black spots were found. And half of Lena's body was covered in these black spots. 

If everything went as it did before, Lena would die half a year from now. Not from the IMD [Invasive Mana Degradation] but from a Stampede that would decimate the district where they live. The buildings would be destroyed, and many would die, including Lena.

But now that Louie was back in time, he would do everything in his power to 

'What's the date? February 17. 214, it happens at the end of March. So that's one month away. I still have time to prepare.'

Brushing Lena's hair, Louie's eyes were soft, 'Just a little more, and you won't have to suffer any more because of me… I will take care of you this time, little light.'

Louie got up and went to the kitchen to get a knife. And then gave Lena one last look, "I'll be back." before stepping out of the apartment and closing the door behind him.

As Louie closed the door behind him and the warmth in his eyes disappeared. His crimson eyes became entrenched in the mire of madness that he was known for. He hid the knife on his waist.

Then he stood in wait in front of the apartment. Unmoving.

"I hate going here. The ceilings always bump my he–ow!!"

"Hehehe, what an idiot."

"What did you say!? Who's the idiot—hooho, would you look at that, the little fucker is waiting for us!"

From the stairway, a voice came out. Three men wearing suits tattooed up to their necks appeared.

"Hehe, you look a little rough there, stick. You got into a fight?" the lanky giant commented.

"Heh, this kid? I don't think he can even throw a single punch." the bloated giant to the right mocked, "He'll break his wrist if he tries to do so."

"Hehe, you might be right. What was I thinking?"

"That's enough from you two." The one in the middle who had kept quiet all this while stopped the two as he lit up a cigar.

As for the two, they followed his orders without questions asked. 

Puffing his cigar, the giant exchanged looks with Louie, "What's with those eyes, Stick?"

'Bjern, that stuck in the mud face is a lot more tolerable now that he's younger.'

"You said you'd break my arm if I didn't have your money right? I'm a little tense." Louie answered.

The only inheritance left behind by his father came to take their dues.

And these three Giants did odd jobs who were currently playing the role of Debt Collectors for the Light Oracles. 

Louie was in opposition to three well-built men, who, in comparison to their herculean build made him seem like a dwarf. 

He stood at around 170 centimeters (5'7") with a body that would break with a kick. 

They could fold his clothes with him still inside it, yet he didn't shirk away.

He had a past with them, or rather, a future.

Louie knew them.

For the next three years, Louie had been trying his hardest to pay off the debt, but recently, their ways had been getting violent. Their threats became more frequent, and from what he experienced, tonight would be the night where they would make their demonstration.

"By the way you're looking, did you finally get the money?" Bjern asked with anticipation.

With how Louise was acting, it made no sense why he would be so confident against someone like Bjern.

"Let me ask Mister Bjern something first. Why am I paying you the money that my father owed?" Louise answered with a question of his own.

"Hey! Watch your words, you little shit! Do you know who you're talking to!?" one of the loan sharks beside Bjern shouted.

"Don't worry about it. We're here to break his arm, don't be too uptight. Let him put on airs." Bjern took a puff and shrugged his shoulders, "To answer your question — because that's how it is. If the debtor disappears, it falls to their families to pay. That's just how it works. I don't make the laws, I just enforce them."

Loan Sharks have no qualms on how they get their money and Debt Collectors have to get their money or else. They don't have any papers signed anyway, and with the father gone, the family takes care of the mess even if they are not directly involved. If they were taken to be "harvested", they would go "missing" and that would be the end of it.

"If that's the case, then if I can point you where he's hiding, will you erase us from your crosshairs?"

"Hooh, that's interesting. We couldn't find your father even after combing through the surrounding region after he ran away. If you can actually do that, I'll see to it that your debt is cleared." Bjern again puffed a smoke and blew it on Louise's face, "But if you're fucking with me, I'll crush your nuts and that one, we won't be healing."

Getting up, Louie adorned my face with a simple lackluster expression, "Do you have a car?"




A man with a bushy beard kicked the slot machines as he pulled his last pull and still got nothing. 

"This place is a fucking scam anyway!" he yelled for who knows how many times.

He continued hitting the machine until the guards appeared behind him and threw him out of the casino. Getting up, he pulled out a small alcohol container in his clothes and started drinking.

This man wore a thick coat made of ragtag materials. He carried with him an awful stench as if he had never taken a bath before. From this man's clothes one could already tell he was a homeless man without anything behind his name.

But, whatever he could gather off the group he uses in the casino for easy money. He didn't want to work, it would tire him out, he claims.

There were easier ways to get money, he would shout.

The homeless man eventually arrived at the entrance of the Abandoned Parts of the City, where those who had lost everything gathered. There, he walked to the old bridge and underneath, was what he called home.

The man emptied his cask and then threw it into the dark, "Tsk, useless thing!"

"Didn't you know it's bad to litter?"

From the shadows, someone caught the flask.

"Huh!? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to… you, what are you doing her-"

His face changed into pale white as he recognized the person who caught his flash. He wanted to run away, but before he could run away, a foot was driven to his stomach and he fell to his knees.

Two more Giants gathered and surrounded him.

The man was thrown into confusion, 'Why is this Bear here!?!'

Bjern picked up the man by the hair and looked him in the eyes, "Was it fun playing me for a fool? You actually chose to hide on our turf? You have some fucking balls — for now anyway."

The man was sure he had kept his identity hidden without flaw for the past years, avoided any eyes, and made sure he remained anonymous. He observed them and even made sure to remember their movements. 

"How did you find me?"


"Watch your fucking mouth! We're the ones asking questions here." The lanky giant surrounding the man kicked him in the back of the head and made him eat dirt.

"Woah, Agno, watch it. You're going to kill him. We use a dead man." Bjern laughingly said, "But, more importantly, you were asking how we found you, right?" 

Bjern lit up a cigarette and blew a smoke on the man's face, "Well, turns out we're not the only ones who wanted to find you."

Behind Bjern, walked out a scrawny kid from the shadows. On his right lip was a cut.

"Y-you...." the man froze, seeing the face of the son he had abandoned.

And Louie looked at him with indifference and a peace sign, "Yo."