[Does the host want to comprehend the skill book]

Leon was raising his eyebrows at the notice of the system and at the same time looking at the skill book in his hands, "Huh, so simple, understand the skill."

As soon as Leon agreed to the regime's to request, his mind was exposed to a group of memories that made him grit his teeth hard

Once the headache subsided, Leon looked at his hands and found that the skill book had disappeared from his hands. He also found himself learning a lot of moves that he didn't even know about.

'status system'


Name: Leon Max

 Age: 16

Rank: -F

Charm: B

Talent: -F 


Strength: 4 (human limit 10

 Speed: 6 (human limit 10)

Perception: 4 (human limit 10)

 Stamina: 3

 (human limit 10) 

Luck: A

[Skills(This shadow skill: a four-star skill, a speed skill that enables the host to move at high speeds and with great agility)]


Leon looked at his condition and the details of the skill, 'System, what are the skill requirements?.'

[The host needs to level up his speed and perception to keep up with this skill]

A look of confusion appeared on Leon's face, "So, this means that I'm still unable to make good use of this skill's ability. Damn that weak body."

But before Leon could even get lost in his thoughts and continue cursing the previous body's owner, another notification appeared from the system 

[Ding Dong, does the host want to unlock the skill hidden beneath the Shadow Cheetah skill?]

Leon with his mouth open, listening to the system's notice, "A skill within a skill. I have never read this in a novel. How's that??"

"Skill Unlock System"

[Ding Dong Shadow Traveler skill has been unlocked]

'Shadow Traveler: I've never heard of this skill, and there was no mention of it in the novel.'

"Can you view skill details?"

[ok host]

[Shadow Traveler skill: skill, rated 6 stars, the skill was created after this shadow Cheetah skill was hidden in the darkness for hundreds of years]

[Where the awareness of the skill has developed a way to live in the dark, and through the shadows . the skill constitutes the appropriate material for assassination, as the possessors of the skill move through the shadows.]

For the second time, Leon was shocked after reading the skill: "6-star rating, wow!This means it is a higher skill"

'Higher Rankings The higher rankings of skills appeared in the middle of the novel after the danger had already risen within the world and some characters had found a skill higher than a 5-star rating.'

'The higher rankings were one of the best-kept secrets within each of the five domains and this knowledge was only available to the powerful within each domain.'

Leon couldn't keep the smile from appearing on his face. He was at the peak of happiness. He already had a top skill, and even a 6-star rating is no joke among top skills.

While he was jumping for joy at having a superior skill, another notice of the system appeared 

[Ding Dong congratulates the host on his first successful robbery]

[The reward for successfully stealing Shadow Cheetah skill is that the host receives a high-level potion of Impurity Cleansing. The host's reward has been deposited into the system inventory.]

Leon was so happy that he forgot to reward the system for stealing the protagonist's chance 

Leon didn't notice, but he had spent a lot of time looking for the lake where the skill was located, until his stomach began to roar with hunger.

'I'm feeling hungry, I think it's lunch time and I already know what I'm going to have for lunch. Okay, rabbits, I'm coming,' Leon said with a savage smile. 

Leon headed toward the entrance in an attempt to look for some poor rabbits, and it's not like he's trying to take revenge on them, no not at all.

As Leon continued to search for some low-level demonic beasts as victims to try out new skills, he heard some rustles from nearby bushes.

As soon as Leon heard that, he used the shadow Cheetah skill to quickly move near the bushes, and in an amazing display of speed, Leon moved near the bushes. 

But Leon did not consider that his level was too weak to bear the burden of skill. As soon as he moved, his entire body was subjected to convulsions that caused all his bodily functions to stop and he fell into a temporary faint.

after 15 minutes

Leon woke up feeling like his muscles were burning and melting. Leon raised himself with difficulty and leaned against one of the trees

"Damn this hurts"

Leon already knew what was happening to him by explaining in detail that he needed to build speed and perception first, at least above the normal human level, and Leon did not meet this condition.

After thinking for a while, an idea dawned on Leon, but first he needed to ask the system about That 

'System can I ask you?'

[yes host]

'What will happen if I experience a convulsion like this while using the Shadow Traveler skill?'

[When the host uses the Shadow Traveler skill, the host will travel through the shadows as the host's body naturally envelops the host in a cocoon of mana.]

[But if the host experiences such a violent convulsion while inside the shadows, the flow of mana will naturally be cut off.]

[Which makes the host a victim of the shadows' attack and devouring them, and in the end the host turns into mere crumbs to the point that your bones will be devoured.]

[Since shadows contain mana that has corrosive properties, it burns anything that sticks to it or crosses it.]

As soon as Leon heard the regime's threats, his face changed and lost its color, 'Thank God I didn't try the shadow traveler first


'Well that throws out the idea of trying this skill out of the window.'

To be continued