After eating a nice lunch of demon rabbit meat, Leon decided that it was time to search for Ryoshi's art and not waste any more time. 

While Leon was walking into the forest, he was lost in his train of thought about what he knew about art from the novel. 'According to the narrator, the hero was searching for high-level demonic monsters inside the forest.'

'But unfortunately, after a long day of searching, he had no luck. He returned to the river to drink,

and from there he headed south, but darkness had already fallen, so he took shelter inside one of the caves.'

'There is where the protagonist found a high-quality storage ring and inside it was Ryoshi's art. Unfortunately, the protagonist never relied on Ryoshi's art.'

'He always used the strange art that his father left him, so he did not give Ryoushi's art any value, and the novel's hero's art relied on brute force instead of speed, which made Ryoushi's art wasted in his hands.'

'According to a statement from the author of the novel, if the novel's hero had relied on the art of Ryoshi instead of the art of Chicano,

which relies on the force of striking with a sword, he would have reached high horizons a long time ago.

'The writer confirmed that the combination of SH-CH skill and Ryoushi's art would make him an unparalleled hero, but the writer decided not to add this combination to the story because it would ruin the continuity of events.'

Despite everything Leon thought and what the writer said, he does not care now, it does not concern him in particular. , he has realized that he will not live long in this world if he is not stronger. 

Also, this is a real world and not just a story from someone's creative imagination, even though the world is built Writer's imagination. You get the point. This is his world now. Either he kills or he is killed, this is the new law

Leon read all the descriptions in the novel, including Ryoushi's art, and no matter how deep you look or delve into the story, you will not find art as strong as Ryoshi art

Simply knowing the horizons of art will make you ecstatic, let alone owning it. The original writer needed art to captivate the hearts and minds of the heroines, and this is represented in Chicano art.

Therefore, the writer chose the Chicano art of direct combat to captivate the heroines with the skill and courage of the hero. while used the art of Ryushi, which will kill people before they even blink their eyes, let alone anyone watching.

'Thinking about it, who would be beaten and seriously injured by enemies for a woman other than his mother, but no, the hero is the typical hero.'

'He gets stuck in a fight for the sake of a woman. He starts a fight, fights well, gets beaten up in order to heal some girls who are suffering from family problems.'

'I'm not being cruel for not helping, I'm just that I won't try to get involved in a fight I know I won't win just to impress some girl.'

After Leon wandered into the forest for some time, he found some demonic monsters, and with a combination of the two skills,

he was able to at least kill some of them while avoiding the rest. 

Like the demon bear, such monsters are far from his current level, at least not now, as he does not have the art of counterattack

But with all his searching, Leon was unable to find any sign of the cave where the Dalek's storage ring was located. He decided to call it a night and camp in an open space.

While Leon was sitting in front of the campfire, he was thinking about the pros

and cons of Ryoushi's art and the main reason that made him choose this art in particular.

Especially the seventh and final move that can cut anything in the world. That's right. Anything in the world, even the strongest mana metals, can cut it.

It is said that the art of Ryoshi was invented by Masashi Masamura, one of the most powerful legends in the world, and he was like that even before the great coup and the appearance of the first mana.

the great coup is the expansion of the Earth, the first appearance of mana, as well as dimensional rifts and dungeons, and the emergence of new rational creatures such as elves, dwarves, nymphs, and fairies.

And the demons known as the Wendgos race

Windigos are known to have long limbs, long, sharp claws, sharp serrated teeth, and sunken, glowing red eyes.

They also have a long tongue which they use to lick the flesh of their victim and can transform into other animal and human forms. Their shapes differ from one to another, and they possess very powerful magical abilities

Although their basic ability is the contract, the contract is a bond between a being and the Wendgos, as they give them power in order for the person who enters into a contract to become an obedient slave to the Weindgos.

The Wendgos also divided into seven other races, but at this moment this is not what Leon was interested in. What he cared about was Ryoshi's art and his seven deadly moves. 

How Masashi brought terror into the heart of every person who challenged him, whether before or after the great coup 

To be continued 


Chicano art is a strange art that was passed down from the father of the protagonist of the novel to him. It was an external, strange art, and it was considered the only art within the novel that was classified according to the stars. 

Chicano art expresses our art of brute force and requires a giant sword and the user of this art to have a large muscle mass in order to withstand the pressure of using it.

Also, the recipient of a blow from this art feels as if tons of color are compressing him until it splits in two. Mastering this art means that you have mastered a powerful attck and an unparalleled defense.