
Name: Leon Max

Age: 16

Rank: +F

Charm: S

Talent: -F 


Strength: 11 (human limit 10)

Speed: 12 (human limit 10)

Perception: 5 (human limit 10)

Stamina: 9 (human limit 10) 

Luck: A

[Skills(This shadow skill: a four-star skill, a speed skill that enables the host to move at high speeds and with great agility)/(Shadow Traveler skill: Skill with a rating of 6. The skill constitutes the appropriate material for assassination, as the owners of the skill move through the shadows)]


'Oh, some of my stats increased by at least one point. I now know that I can increase my stats through training after returning to the capital.'

'But first I get extremely thirsty.' After Leon thought about what he would do when he returned to the capital, he decided that he had to quench his thirst because of the small exercises he did.

So he got up and carried the sword in his hand to defend himself if there was any danger on his way and headed towards a nearby river that was flowing towards his camp. 

As soon as Leon put his sword on the ground, he put his hands towards the river and took some water in his hands and drank it. He raised his eyes from the river in front of him only for them to widen and said, "I found it, yes."

What was in front of Leon was the cave where the protagonist found Ryoshi's art. Leon jumped over the river and quickly placed himself towards the cave where he found himself The storage ring resides where Ryoushi's art is located 

Leon arrived at the entrance to the cave and the first thing he noticed was that the cave did not have a large entrance, but through the complete darkness Leon could tell that the cave was very deep.

The only thing that gives Leon the confidence to enter it is that he had previously read the novel, and it had not been mentioned that this cave contained any monster or demonic creature, so Leon took quick steps into the cave.

After some walking, Leon saw a small golden ring glowing above a small square shape at the end of the cave. Leon was ecstatic, 'Finally I will have my own art.'

He took a few steps and took the ring from the rock. He began to examine it first, as if there were some writings on the inner side of the ring, which were very clear.

The only reason why Leon does not know what that writing means is that it is written in a strange language that he does not understand, and even from the memories of this world, he has never encountered anything like it.

Leon placed the storage ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and as soon as he did that, Leon felt as if something bad was examining his body from the inside and eating some of his mana. Suddenly, the ring began to He started to shine golden yellow.

Leon closed his eyes due to the intensity of the light and moved his left hand away from his face. Once the light subsided, Leon opened his eyes and looked at the ring, "What the hell happened now and what is the light?"

Leon was unable to continue his questions until he heard the sound of someone near him clearing his throat, "Ahem, ahem, ahem." Leon looked in the direction of the voice, only to remain in place in shock.

What was there was a man who looked to be in his eighties, with white hair, but only on the sides, while the middle of his head was bald. His skin was dark and wrinkled, and his back was bent.

He has a short beard, a thin mustache, and violet eyes. He wears white clothes, or that's what Leon thinks he is, but that's not what made Leon frozen in place, not knowing what to do. 

No, but now, the old man in front of him is a transparent figure, meaning he looks like the ghost of an old man looking at him with those violet eyes. For a moment, Leon thought that the man knew his origin.

The old man brought Leon out of the thoughts that had been plaguing his mind ever since he moved to this iron world with a few words, "Boy, what are you doing here?" the man said with a knowing smile.

All Leon got out of his mouth were two words, "Who are you?" But all Leon got was some laughter from the old man in front of him and a smile that did not leave the old man's wrinkled face.

But instead of the old man answering Leon, he gave him another question in return: "The question here is not who I am."

"The question here is, do you know who you are, boy?

Come on, a few comments will not take anything of your time. I am making an effort here. Some support is enough and motivates me to accomplish more.

To be continued


Well friends, here are some questions that you may have asked 

Why didn't you describe Leon in the beginning?

I didn't want to describe him at first because he would have a change in appearance later, but I hadn't done so until that moment

Why didn't you talk about Leon's real past and why didn't you mention his name? I was going to tell you but I don't want to hahaha.

If we ask you, will you answer us? 

Without spoilers, maybe if there is spoilers then no 

Think about the answer to the second question, it has a meaning 

The reason for my delay in publishing the chapters is to be motivated and encouraged by your comments

Believe me, as long as the interaction is greater, it will increase my activity as a writer as you get new chapters

I will enjoy writing and creating and you will enjoy reading