He returned his face to the ground to hit the same rock again, lose consciousness, and embrace the darkness with all love if he would stop this terrible pain. The only thing different this time is that the rock broke.

{Two days later, the location is an irrigation forest at nine in the morning}

Leon woke up to the rays of the sun entering the cave where he was lying. He had passed out for two long days. When he woke up, he felt pain in all his ribs and felt as if he had slept for a thousand years above the ground.

Leon stood up as he stretched to rest his muscles that had not moved for a while, "Damn, I feel like I slept on rocks." This was all he said before the previous events came back to him and he remembered the pain he had suffered from eating the pill.

He trembled with fear, the imaginary pain that had afflicted his muscles two days ago, and it was not as if he knew what was wrong with him, despite that. He was feeling extremely thirsty and hungry. He felt as if his stomach was eating him from the inside. 

'Just thinking to myself, I will never eat a bloodline purification pill again without a suitable stamina. At least my stamina should be over a hundred. Hell, I felt like I was dying and coming back to life again.'

Leon took a deep breath as soon as he took the first steps. He actually felt a change, "What is this? I feel like I am light. In fact, I feel like I am very light, As if I don't weigh anything. Is this one of the changes?"

Suddenly he felt as if his throat felt dry and more hunger was eating him from the inside. 'Damn, how long have I been unconscious? I'm sure I ate and drank water from the river before I entered the cave.'

"System are you there?"

[Yes, host]

"How long have I been unconscious?"

[2 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes, 17 seconds, and 62 milliseconds, host]

All Leon did was remain frozen in place, "Damn, this pain was so intense that I felt like I was dying. I think my body was in desperate need of rest in order to remain unconscious for two days."

Leon rubbed his throat, feeling as if the dehydration was killing him. He looked at the amount of sweat he had exhausted after this terrible ordeal. The next thing Leon did was that he left the cave and went to the river to drink some water. 

Leon jumped into the river and started swimming and also drinking, sighing in relief when the water touched his throat and body, not paying attention to his reflection in the water. When he came out of his little trance, he headed out of the river. 

He decided to take off his clothes and let them dry and go back to swimming for a little while. He liked the feeling of the water on his body, but when Leon returned to the river, he noticed something that he did not notice at first, which was his reflection in the water.

It was as if Leon was shocked. His face had changed from A to Z. It was as if it was very strange, even though he did not remember the shape of his face from his previous life. He was surprised the first time he appeared in this world and looked in the mirror.

His hair was coarse and appeared to be dark-skinned. His eyes were black with a honey color in them previously. His nose was a little large and his teeth were messy and contained some yellow color. 

However, when he drank the impurity purification potion and saw a reflection of the previous one, he underwent some change, as his skin became clearer, his hair became smoother and more disciplined, and his teeth were no longer yellow in color.

The thing is that this time he underwent a major change to the point where he no longer recognized himself at all. He did nothing but ask himself internally while touching his face, 'Is this really me? How is this even possible?'

The change he underwent was that his hair turned from black to blood red, and his face became oval in shape. His complexion also changed dramatically, as his skin became milky.

With a small nose His teeth are lined up in one row, and cute lips, but his eyes are the strangest thing, where the previous normal eyeballs are a thing of the past and in their place are large violet eyes. 

But this is not what is shocking. If you focus on those purple orbs, you find yourself as if you are watching a display of stars in the sky or constantly moving galaxies. Leon had to admit that he was lost in his eyes for a moment.

The only words uttered from Leon's mouth were "Fuck." For just a moment, he felt a sense of dread. He looked at his pants, only to be shocked again, and the words got stuck in his field.

He found that his little brother seemed to have become more More manly than his face, something that made him happy as if he were on the clouds and at the same time he felt bad for the woman who would end up with him. 

'Wow, this is a big change, so big that I never expected that just a blood-reducing pill would be able to make me so beautiful and make my little friend look more manly than my face.'

Don't forget to comment on the chapter and tell me what you think

I bet you thought he no longer had his little brother in his previous place. Ha ha ha ha. No, how will he have sex in your opinion, my friend? As I said before, this novel will contain mature content, and soon you will see that..

Just after some chapters just wait ok see you in the comments 

I've been posting so much I think I'll be disappearing for a few days to prepare for the next chapters

To be continued in the next chapter