Suddenly a big smile appeared on Leon's face as he laughed madly like a mad scientist who managed to clone a human and his strange experiment succeeded. "System, give me a talent-raising potion."

As soon as Leon uttered those words, the potion appeared in his left hand. Leon looked at it. The green dose was something that made Leon feel disgusted with him in a pre-emptive manner,

He had taken a bad dose before and was not looking forward to the same experience again

however Leon did not think for long, but opened the small bottle in his hands, closed his eyes, held his breath, and dropped its contents all at once into his throat, and despite all that, the hideous taste was still in his mouth.

As soon as Leon drank the jar, he stood still in place, expecting some pain, but this time all he felt was that his heart began to beat strongly, only for this pulse to become stronger and more terrifying. 

Leon watched his heart beat so hard that his left chest was rising and falling in place for a moment. Leon thought he was going to die, not from pain but from fear when he watched his chest swell and fall.

His breathing was ragged and frightened, Leon lay on his back, waiting for him to possibly die, and the only thing running through his mind was, 'Why the hell do I keep getting myself into situations that could be fatal to me?'

The only thing that was good was that he did not feel any pain. After some time, his chest stopped beating and returned to normal. Leon sighed and rubbed his chest. "that It was scary."

Leon thought ' Although I had previously read this in the novel, living the experience is not the same as reading and using imagination to try to imagine this event. Certainly, imagination simplifies things and does not make it scary because you are not living it.'

Everything Leon said is true. Leon actually read this. The same thing happened in the novel with the hero when he found this same potion, and although his talent is great, the hero of the novel is a very greedy person. 

Leon stood up and brushed off the dust that stuck to his arms, feet, and back, although he did not succeed. He jumped into the water to clean himself again of all the dirt that stuck to him.

After he came out of the water, Leon immediately called up the status window to see where his talent had reached. In the novel, the protagonist's talent rose in a very frightening way, as he went from rank S to rank SS


Name: Leon Max

Age: 16

Rank: E

Charm: SSS

Talent: S



Speed: 27

Perception: 16

Stamina: 45

Luck: A

[Skills(This shadow skill: a four-star skill, a speed skill that enables the host to move at high speeds and with great agility)/(Shadow Traveler skill: Skill with a rating of 6. The skill constitutes the appropriate material for assassination, as the owners of the skill move through the shadows)((Wind Breathing Skill: A nine-star skill. This skill helps harness the wind in the hand of the user of the skill, and this is done through breathing/inhaling and exhaling/ and a correct approach is followed in this)]

[Art/The Art of Ryoshi is an art that relies on extreme speed and rapid cutting. This art has seven basic stages. None of the stages can be used before mastering the movement that precedes it.]

Leon looked at the Status And he started laughing"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha This is great, this is really great, but why do I feel like someone's hearty feast? "

 This strange feeling appeared within Leon, but he ignored it by shaking his head and put his hand on his chin as he thought,

'My mana has almost increased by a full rank . This is a good thing, although it is unexpected.'

'But as I expected, my talent has risen to rank S. If I had used the Talent Enhancement Potion before the Bloodline Purification Pill, I would not have gotten the same results. Perhaps it was just a rank D talent.'

Leon smiled brightly and in a strange way with his handsome face. Many women would fall into his trap because of the sweetness of the smile, a deadly smile. This is her type. 

"It doesn't matter, I've raised all my stats, I've also solved my biggest problem, which is my pathetic talent, and I now have an S-rank talent, although I have one last problem."

And as his body responded to him in order to solve the problem, his stomach rumbled so strongly that it seemed like a hungry beast roaming throughout this forest, and it was a very frightening rumbling. 

{Somewhere inside the forest of Rey}

There were three people moving inside the forest, two men and a teenage girl.

One of the men from the group said after he heard the rumblef rom the forest,

"Did you hear that?"

Seriously, I posted the last chapter a short time ago, but it didn't really satisfy me. I know it wasn't fun at all and there was nothing in it that would motivate you to wait for the next chapter.

So I consulted with myself and said, OK, I don't mind publishing this chapter, since I finished it yesterday, so it's available. I think I'll take some time to make two or three chapters.

I certainly won't make you wait long. The point is that I have some fall exams, so I may be away for about two weeks from posting, one to prepare for them and the other to take them.

to be continued in the next chapter