While Clarius disappeared in front of Leon and the rest of the students, Leon continued to look at the place that Clarius was occupying while he was deep in thought

Leon thought, "If at the beginning of the book there is anyone worthy of monitoring and caution, it is Clarius, that accursed man, and I should be careful of him."

As soon as Clarius left, all the students entered the huge gate in front of them, with Leon following behind them. As soon as he entered, he was blinded by a light and seemed to feel dizzy.

But after a few moments, he seemed to come back to his senses very quickly. He opened his eyes and his gaze met the gaze of one of the professors in the training hall, who was watching all the students groaning from a headache, some feeling nauseous, and some actually vomiting.

After that, the teacher spoke

"You'd better clean that up after you're done."