
"Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. "

'Is there any deep reason he concealed this, or is it just to protect himself?'

Though Dice's body got possessed five years ago, the so-called event of the Sky Shattering happened on the eve of the new year, four and a half months after he got possessed. 

It meant that the Earth mutated into a world of magic only roughly four years ago.

By then, strange occurrences simultaneously happened all around the world—some cities disappeared, some islands appeared in the sky, while others sank under the ocean. 

A handful of people also awakened abilities that helped them deal with the mutated animals who went berserk and attacked humanity.


One would think that balance was regained since the humans were given an ability to deal with the danger posed by the berserk beasts. However, it was not that simple.

As the world's organisms mutated, so did the laws of science. 

All of a sudden, Earth experienced a reset and was plunged back to the Dark Ages.

Many countries' governments lost their functions when electricity disappeared and the telecommunication towers no longer worked. People fled in panic at the sight of the strange mutated beasts leaving the mountains and the seas, and riots happened everywhere as people tried to survive with whatever means they had. 

It was pandemonium.

For the first month after the world changed, the lands were strife with chaos. People lost their ability to communicate with other places, and no one knew what was happening. There was fear for the future.

As if to worsen the situation, strange ideologies cropped up and many groups like cults raised their weapons in order to muddy the waters for their own benefits.

Though the nation's military and various private organizations did their best, working hand in hand to stabilize the situation, only a select few nations were able to regain control of their territories. It was like hell descended for the rest of the world.

That was where Professor Lee Suho came in.

His Awakened talent was Magic Engineering, and through him, the world somewhat regained a semblance of order.

The System.

The so-called System was the Professor's invention, a magical interface developed through his ability that could link the Awakened through their individual bodies' magic. 

The System was fashioned to be a messaging platform where the Awakened are able to converse through text chats, videos, voice messages, and even send locations through a map. The Awakened are able to create one-on-one conversations, as well as group chats with no limit on users.

'And Professor Lee Suho gave this ability to communicate to the entire world at a reasonable cost, basically for free.'

In order to become part of the System, an Awakened only needed to register in their individual countries' relevant associations and insert a bit of their magic inside a Craft Orb.

The Craft Orb would then connect the Awakened to the System, and as the name suggests, these Craft Orbs are maintained by the Craft Guild. It was a monopoly.

Dice remembered the article he read earlier.

[Professor Lee Suho, Founder of the System.]

Aside from creating the System, the Professor also introduced rankings and improved the System to look like Status Windows used in games, allowing the Awakened access to their personal data in order to grow themselves. 

His publicly known job classification was also a Blacksmith, meaning, he forged magical artifacts where he used materials from mutated beasts and combined it with runic language, giving those who purchased his products a great boost in performance.

With his help, other Awakened were able to develop ways for humanity to adapt to a world where the laws of science had changed. Magic became a new fuel, and the various abilities of the Awakened began to replace many functions of society.

Two years had passed since then.

There were still many problems, and some parts of the world were yet to fully adjust to the new world After the Sky Shattered. But somehow, things were progressing in a good way.

Professor Lee Suho's undeniable achievements had paved a way for humanity.

No wonder the man who took over his body could reach the peak of the world in less than five years. 

The world was grateful for his existence, and the people around him were basically groveling at his feet.

'He was given the title 'Professor' because many of the top non-combat Awakened from all over the world learned from him or owed debts of gratitude to him. His reputation could be said to be the best, far surpassing the rest, that's why he is the only non-combat S-ranked Awakened in the World Rankings.'

They had no idea that the Professor's ability was more than just creating artifacts and magic engineering.


As long as the Professor had access to a network or gadget, there was basically no secret in his eyes, and he had every information at the tips of his fingers.

Dice felt like not only access to data, he could also control networks and programs within a certain limit. 

If he willed it, he could hack the military's database and launch missile attacks. He could close down servers and he could cause an entire city to experience a blackout.

He could deal with any person or group since he could prepare appropriate 'weapons' no matter who he faced.

'That means, Professor Lee Suho is a good guy, yeah? He's done nothing but good things so far. He basically raised the entire humankind on his shoulder.'

'The Professor ticks the checklist that defines a hero.'

'I feel a little more at ease thinking that such a person was the one who possessed my body.'

'It was a pity this body could not use combat magic.' 

'But, why is there a need to possess my body? And since he used my body, why did he give it back to me? Could it be that he thinks his mission is done now so he went back to his original body? 

'Where did he go then? Why didn't he leave a message, or at least a note for me?'

'Could it be that his disappearance was not planned?'

'Don't tell me…he died?'