

it was a bit too cold for a September morning.


The town was quiet, lazy, like any other small town in


the countryside. Suddenly, the silence was disturbed by


a loud rumbling of a motor engine. The early risers –


joggers, workers alike – turned their heads toward the


source of the noise. A shiny black motorcycle.


The motorcycle veered into the open gates of


Academia de La Consolacion. Without waiting for it


to slow down, a black-haired girl held her bag against


her chest and jumped off onto the pebbled path of


the garden.


"Hey! That's dangerous!" yelled her companion as


the motorcycle screeched to a stop. He pulled his helmet


off, a disapproving frown on his tanned face.


"I pulled off that stunt perfectly three times in my


last movie. It was easy-peasy," the girl smiled cheekily.


"You could have hurt yourself!"


"Did you really have to shout that loud?" she


snapped while she removed her headgear and tossed it


at him with an annoyed look. "Look here, Jared. I'm not


a child anymore."


"Yeah," he scoffed. "You're all grown up. Ever


wondered why I call you 'baby'?"


Faye gritted her teeth. She loved it. Loved how


Jared called other girls by their names, and only she got


to be called 'baby'. So this was the reason? Because he


saw her as someone to babysit?


Jared simply sighed as he parked the bike into


an empty space beside a glossy red BMW. "You know


what? I'm wondering whether you are really a human


or a monkey."


"We share the same ancestors, biologically


speaking," retorted Faye as she rolled her eyes. "Hurry


up. We still have to go to the office to get our papers."


"Like I didn't know that."


"Shut up." She yanked Jared's arm impatiently and


dragged him away.


Jared frowned, annoyed by the fact that this girl


was doing things on a whim again. Then again, he was


more annoyed with himself because he was not doing


anything to stop her. At least not successfully. She was


spoiled, but what could he do? Impulsive brat was her


middle name.


"I'm going to miss your hair," he blurted out, feeling


sentimental all of a sudden. Her once long wavy reddish


brown hair was changed into straight black layers just


below her shoulders. She had bangs and a pair of black


contact lenses too, just to complete her disguise.


"Aww, you shouldn't." She flashed an overly sweet


smile. "You can go bald, and I won't even feel a thing."


"I would limit my bitchiness, if I were you," he


smirked lopsidedly, and she felt a flutter under her


ribcage. She squashed it before it could reflect on her


face. "You wouldn't want to spoil our first day as seniors


and have our secret out of the bag, right?"


She stopped walking. "You wouldn't dare."


"Trust me. I will," he chided, silently enjoying her


tomato red face.


"Huh! Now I'm wondering why I have to put up