Intrigued Lin Mei

Lin Mei felt her mind malfunctioned a bit when she heard Jia Hao's question.

" Wh-What did you say? You are asking who am I?" Lin Mei asked again in a shocked voice.

" I mean, we never introduced ourselves." Jia Hao spoke in a light tone. " How can I know who you are?"

" Yo-You…"

Lin Mei's expression twitched, but a strange smile appeared on her face. She stretched her hand for a handshake.

" My name is Lin Mei, I am new in this section. How about you?"

" I am Jia Hao, I took a two week leave due to some issues." Jia Hao shook her hand as she spoke.

In fact, Original Jia Hao took two week leave because he wanted to go on a vacation with his parents. However, his parents died in the middle of it.

" I see. Now we have introduced ourselves…Why did you only show me half of answers?" Lin Mei asked again in a angered voice.

" Lin Mei, is it?" Jia Hao looked at her and smirked. " This test…do you know the total mark?"