Finding The Whereabout

Jia Hao's expression turned strange when he realized what sort of place Phoenix Cloud Pavilion was.

' Eh? So my wife really gave permission to go there? Why? Because I have not consummated my marriage with her?'

Jia Hao could see the train of her thoughts. After all, she doesn't want to be labeled as a wife who deprived her husband of the physical pleasure of women. 

However, she was also not ready to give her body to Jia Hao. So, the only thing she can do is to allow Jia Hao to go to Phoenix Cloud Pavilion.

" Well, Does…Anyone else from our household goes?" Jia Hao asked in a low voice.

" Many elders go in the weekend." Old Yang answered in a similar low voice.

" What about Father in Law?"

" He…" Old Yang hesitated. " Why should he go to such a place?"

" Really?" Jia Hao raised his brows as he looked at Old Yang skeptically.