Dark Curses

Cai Yunhai was supposed to come with Jia Hao and Old Yang to the Chi Village.

However, Although the Chi Village was the main entrance point, there were other paths where the dark monsters would invade.

Therefore, giving the mantle to Jia Hao and Old Ynag, Cai Yunhai led a part of his troop to help the other villages.

' There are three villages near the Chi Village. These are the four weak points where the dark monster going to swarm in.'

' Father in law can take care of the remaining three at once. But the Chi Village…This is where the main event is going to happen.' Jia Hao sighed inwardly.

' Damn it, I should have picked the faraway village. The danger in Chi Village is rather high.'

' However, If I want to turn the tide of this situation, I need to stay in Chi Village.' Jia Hao sighed inwardly.

" Anyway! Let's farm some points, shall we?"