" Lord Jiu had just finished a meeting with merchants of far. However, just after they left, he was ambushed."
" Lord Jiu managed to repel them, However, his wounds were too heavy. Before we could call the pharmacist, he died."
What about the merchants? Did you investigate them?" Ye Kong asked with a frown.
" When the attack happened, they were all outside of the estate. So, they got a solid alibi." The guard of Jiu Liang replied.
" However, there was a strange thing." The guard thought for a moment and spoke. " Before he died, he looked very angry. However, he couldn't speak any words properly at all."
" But I think he said-"
" The outsiders?" Ye Kong was surprised. " So, have you checked everyone who came from the outside in past week?"
" A lot of came and a lot of went. However, after Lord Jiu's death, we sealed both the gates." The guard sighed.