I know I saw the message it says, you have been granted the cultivation system said darwin, what do you see brother are you okay you screamed like you are in pain said daisy, don't worry am alright have you eaten your meal asked darwin, no I haven't said daisy.

Go and eat your food I will join you soon said darwin

He then started thinking about the box and looked around for it but he couldn't find it, he then sat down and think about the notification then suddenly a screen pop up

[Welcome to the cultivator's paradise]

Name: darwin Dickson

Power stage: none

Power strength:5







[Run for 5min]

[Stay under sunlight for 1hour]

[Exercise for 20min]

Reward:5 power strength


Compliment: you just begin get stronger quickly.

What the hell is this it's like a game simulator is this what is inside the wooden box said darwin.

[Yes it is] said a voice

Who said that said darwin, [I am the one that came out from the box I am the system].

Cool what are you program for said darwin

[I am here to support and help you to achieve your goals]

So you can help me become a cultivator asked darwin, [yes].

So what is this screen asked darwin,[it's your status bar, but let me warned you don't tell anyone about my existence], ok I wouldn't but I have a question what is the meaning of sp asked darwin.

[It means soul power],oh so what do that quest means,[it means you should fulfilled the quest and get a reward of 5 exp]

Ok now I understand, it's time to start a new beginning said darwin, he then went out of the room and met daisy eating.

Come and join me brother said daisy, darwin then took his seat and enjoy his meal, daisy don't worry I will make sure our life change for the better said darwin, ok brother I trust you said daisy, I will not be attending school tommorow said darwin,why brother are you sick said daisy.

No am not sick am absolutely fine, I want to begin a cultivation life starting from tommorow said darwin, really brother am in full support said daisy, after their meal he then begin the quest, he went outside and ran for 5min.

He begin the second quest he walked in the sun for 1hour, and begin the last quest he exercise for 20min and finally he completed the quest

[Congratulations you have completed the quest]

[You have been rewarded with 5 power strength]

He then checked his status bar

Name: darwin Dickson

Power stage:none

Power strength:10


Sp: 5





Compliment: you are still weak

Not bad but system I have a question what is the meaning of power strength asked darwin,[it means the strength of your power the higher the strength the powerful your attack].

Then what's the meaning of complement asked darwin.

[It means I complement you],then what of power stage asked darwin.

[It means the cultivation stages].

Now I understand I think I am one step closer to becoming a cultivator and take my revenge.