Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The Inauguration Ceremony I

Butler Reid draped the grand cape of furs over Prince Dan's broad shoulders and clasped the golden fobs across his chest before stepping aside for the young royal to give his reflection a once over and nod his satisfaction.

Then, the two men turned to see that Prince Syncher was still getting ready, donning a rather elaborate appearance with an array of jewelry.

It was quite natural to see him as particular about his attire as that, because the kingdom of Fall wherefrom he hailed was known for its reserves of riches. And dressing appropriate to such culture was expected of him in order to carry the weight of their reputation.

Soon enough, when he was finished, the men left the dorm and made their way to the grand central hall where there was a stage at an end and all the royals and their respective attendants were assembled.

The two princes walked ahead, making passive conversation, while Reid stood by with Jean, waiting a few paces away from them where the rest of the attendants seemed to be gathered.

"I can't imagine spending the rest of my days with Prince Syn. Just the process of getting ready is such a war field with his tempers and the fuss. But thankfully I'm not in the shoes of Eva", Butler Jean began, slowly raking a hand through his caramel coloured hair.

Reid looked over sharply, taken aback about the fact that the gentleman seemed to be speaking ill of his own master, to whom he would swear faithfulness for a lifetime. And to a complete foreigner, at that. "Who is Eva?" Reid asked, curious.

"She is the young maiden who attends to her highness, Princess Eldora. She is far more a handful than my own prince. If her curls don't align as per her wishes, we can hear her shrill screams all the way to our wing's tower across the palace. Every maid would be flying to her aid", Jean, the man of fair complexion chuckled.

Then he shook his head with a sad smile on his face.

"That's unfortunate", the tall butler of Prince Dan nodded, before looking ahead. Such behavior sounded disgraceful.

More so, for it was coming straight from the servants of their own kingdom's crown.

Reid did not wish for his master to court her and earn a new problem to face for the rest of his life.

A lady of demure nature would suit their kingdom, for war was their culture and raising voices within the house hold of the palace itself would be deteriorating for their reign. 

In fact, rivalry or disputes between the king and the queen could lead to major mistrust or selling crucial information to their enemies.

But then, with all princesses being bred in royal ambience, there was little hope or chance of finding a maiden that wasn't spoilt to boot.

There would have to be a great deal of compromise to ensure that their future queen is made comfortable enough to stay in a happy marriage with Prince Dan.

"…In fact, it's nearly hilarious to watch him fall all over himself to please your Antarian prince. After all, just moments before you arrived, he was ranting to me of how inconvenient it would be to accommodate a roommate, calling it cheap culture to practice economy. Our prince has never found circumstance requiring him to share anything, you see", Butler Jean seemed to be taking his leisure in making lavish complaints.

"That is very sad", Reid nodded, feeling ill at ease that the man was so comfortable speaking poorly of the prince. It was a kind of betrayal he could never imagine offending Prince Dan with.

Just then, there was a brisk young man with raven hair seasoned with a few silvers and an elderly, prim looking woman who mounted the stage, and a grand and rather reverend silence fell over the crowd of royals.

After them, an old man donning the garments befitting a priest climbed to join the other two and stood by their side, with a soft and calm smile tugging at the sides of his wrinkled lips.

Reid watched as they began the opening ceremony.

The young man introduced himself as Chief Physician Monto and the woman was Head Justice Hailey, both esteemed members in the Affairs of the Inter-kingdom Ministry. 

The prime purpose of such ministry is to oversee the faithful keeping of all treaties and peace between Kingdoms.

They did not interfere with the business of wars, but breaches of contracts would be heavily punished and defenses were extended to small or newly built kingdoms to keep them from being unjustly consumed.

In fact, crowns would lapse to their charge in case of any fatal disobedience to the laws that they impose.

"I will be the head of Discipline and Justice Hailey here is the principal of our Academy. You will each be trained in various fields and arts, your attendants included, in order to hone your character for the reign ahead. You will be guided by respective professors in each sector and subject and the chapel is always welcoming to your service any time you require to visit", Physician Monto made the introductions.

There was a modest round of claps, before the priest stepped in to make prayers for those that would be spending the year there and their futures upon and beside thrones. 

Reid shot a quick glance towards Prince Dan to ensure that he was safe, before closing his eyes in reverence.

Once the prayer was cited and everyone began looking about and making acquaintances, Reid spied his prince making merry conversation with a young lady whose beauty could be described as nothing less than a divine dream.

Prince Syn had his arms draped over her shoulders and it was evident that the princess in question was most likely Eldora, his sister.

The butler tried to swallow the suffocating tension rising in his gut from the sight of Dan's possible affiliation with her, for it had grave chances of marring their future. 

Just as he tore his gaze away, he felt someone bump into him from behind. Instinctively, he reached for the young damsel that seemed to have run into him and lost her balance.

It was only after the action, that Reid found his arm gripping the waist of a lovely maiden of fierce vermillion hair and large green eyes staring at him, her breath hitched in her throat like a trapped gasp.

