Extra 1

Home Alone

[ Kian's POV ]

" Ahhhh....What a wonderful day to relax and read some novels. I wonder what Shane's doing today? Knowing her I guess she's roaming around somewhere." I chuckled as the thought of her smiling while running comes into my mind. She really is so bright.

That's what I like about her though....!!... In a platonic way of course..HAHA...

Lately I've been having these weird thoughts about Shane but it's hardly a problem so I don't want to dwell on it much.

I wander around the house as thoughts came into my mind longing for something.

" As always mother and father are on a business trip and Sister is in another country working on her career. Leaving me all to myself again. Oh, how I wish she would let me come with her! But l...of course I have school and things to do here and I might just bother her on her work there, so I can't really go with her." I felt conceited and stared at the window mindly staring at something that I don't know of yet want to reach.

I hope sister is doing fine. Unlike mother and father, she visits me often and brings me souvenirs/gifts when she comes home. Even if it isn't long she makes time for me and I'm really thankful for that.

As I thought of the things my sister does for me my face lit up a little, I feel happy that she's my sister.


All of a sudden there was a loud thud at the door. I leaned in at the window to see a glimpse of what it was, to my surprise it was... Shane??

" Ahahaha... knock knock, You home Kian?"

She shouted Infront of the door while knocking loudly. I couldn't help but sigh at the sight of this.

"Oh!" she turned and saw me touching my forehead and an exhausted expression. She gave me a wave which I answered with a simple nod, and pointed my finger at the door letting her know that I'll be opening the door.

*clack* As I opened the door I thought to myself "Wow it really is bright outside...and it's giving me a headache."

" Ki.A.N, You're not busy right? Mom asked me to come look for you!" Smiling and giggling while talking. She's like a puppy...ahh..Looking for me? For what reason?

" Kian, mom wants you to come eat with us. She thought that you might need some fresh air since you always stay at home doing tasks."

Mrs. Collins is right though, but is it okay for me?...

"Haa..Really, Let's just go." As I stood, my hand was abruptly grabbed by Shane and pulled me outside...and then she *clack-k* She locked the do-or..Wha-?? I turned to face her but was met with a cheeky smile and laugh. " So you won't get in anymore ri-ght. Hehe he." This cheeky little...haaaahhh...anyways it's too early in the morning to be doing this.

" It's not a matter of "won't" it's a matter that I can't. Fine...so let's get going then. I just let it off with a smile and she happily led me to their house. " It's fun right?" She asked as we were eating. "Yeah..this is fun."

After we ate we sat down outside and felt the breeze. Shane also sat down as she finished helping her mother. "I'm going to be needing the spare key that I gave you." I stared at her and she flinched as the topic was being brought up. " Oh..yeah... of course." She smiled.

Enjoying this sunlight and warm breeze I feel comfortable and relaxed. I closed my eyes and leaned on Shane. She gently stroked my hair, our shoulders touching.

" I'm glad you pulled me out of the house."

" Anything for you." She spoke softly and that..that made me feel weird.

But I ignored it and we both rested under the shade.

It isn't so bad being home alone, As long as you're here with me.