More Invaders?

"Good... Good"

If the Galaxy core has a face it would be smiling widely.

Things had turned out better than I had expected. But while it might look like all this was a lie because of the happiness in its heart, it was telling the truth.

[The thing you think to be a ray of light when meditating is a soul link... Use it to connect with my soul, What you're seeing now as my core is my soul, my soul is so thick that it has achieved an almost physical form. Try to use the ray, to connect to me... ]

Dragovic frowned, 'Last time, I tried my best to move the ray, but it didn't budge. This would be troublesome'

Despite the tricky situation, he didn't tell the core. His hatred for the Cthulhu fueled his heart, so he planned to go for it without hesitation.

He was hovering in the wide dark expanse with nothing else but Galaxy core in sight.

He sighed,

He hadn't tried moving his body before, but as he tried to sit crosslegged in the space, he was able to do so.

The feeling was inexplicable, it was as if he was sitting on an invisible ground. If he stood up, it would be like he was standing on an invisible ground that was on a different plane from where he sat.

Sitting cross-legged, he took a deep breath, he was able to breathe in space. He didn't know how this was possible since his level wasn't that high yet. But he guessed that the core was helping him somehow.

Taking a deep breath, he relaxed and then tried to open his spiritual eyes, but then it happened.

Despite his closed eyes, with his open spiritual eyes, he began to see things as clear as day.

What he could see was different from what he could see with his physical eyes open, he was seeing a completely different realm, that despite being different, was still connected to the physical realm.

In his view, he could see his humanoid soul, and a few meters away from him was the Galaxy core, the same as it has always been.

His soul was just like his normal body, just blue, and had an ethereal feeling.

His soul was sitting crosslegged but unlike his body in the physical realm, his eyes were open and he could see the ray of light from his body.

With intense focus, he tried to move a ray to meet the Galaxy core's soul.

But he failed, he so much failed that he couldn't even make the ray budge an inch.

"Damnit" his soul cursed, its voice pertaining an ethereal luster. (he and his soul are the same, so saying that his soul curse is also the same as him cursing)

In his physical body, he had already begun to sweat, what the galaxy wanted from him was just too delicate and at the same time hard to perform.

"I have to do this... For revenge," Dragovic gritted his teeth and tried to put all his anger and other emotions to work.

Fuelled by the deep and hurting emotions within him, his soul trembled, and a thick ray was suddenly shot at the core at full force.

The ray formed a link that connected him to the galaxy's core.

From his system, a prompt suddenly appeared before him.

[Connection to Galaxy core.... Complete]

[The level of your soul has increased to God's level]

[Detected Blessing of Deus Anima, the God of Souls]

[Super God Spirit body obtained... Level unknown]

[Super God Spirit body activated]

Suddenly, Dragovic's red hair turned silver, the silver hair grew long and looked silky, and it had an ethereal glow and luster. He felt like a God, untainted by the impurities of the mundane world.

His body was brimming with a huge amount of power, he felt as if he could blow up an entire galaxy with only one punch.

This change lasted only for a millisecond, after that, Dragovic vetoed his old form, looking drained. He felt nauseous as if he would puke at any moment, not only that, but he also felt drowsy.

[Your body is too weak, you can't sustain the Super God Spirit mode]

Dragovic sighed ...

The pop-out notifications didn't stop...

[Detected Draconic Void ring... God-Level ring]

[Galaxy core is being transferred to the ring,]

"What?!" Dragovic was shocked.

When the Galaxy core said what it said, it didn't specifically tell Dragovic, that there would be a need for it to enter the ring, so Dragovic was pretty much shocked.

Suddenly, Dragovic couldn't see the Galaxy core anymore. It had simply disappeared.

[You and the Galaxy core are connected]

[The Soul, Master-Servant contract has been completed]

Dragovic eyes bulged as he saw this.

He was speechless of what was happening, he never thought that the Galaxy core was willing to become his subordinate.

[The Galaxy Core of the Milky Way Galaxy, is now considered your servant ... Your property]

[The Milky Way galaxy is being transferred into the dragon void ring]

[The process has been completed]

Now, the Galaxy core and the Galaxy itself were gone into the ring...

Though knowing that he would benefit greatly from this, Dragovic wasn't happy, instead, he was increasingly wary of the Galaxy core.

There must be something it knew that he didn't, there is no free meal in this world.

he knew that for it to easily accept such a level in the contract, something big must be going on. It sounded so hasty when it was trying to convince him.

Just then, Dragovic saw the void space right beside the place where the Galaxy core was previously located get torn, a large Cthulhu stepping out.

This Cthulhu was glowing gray, its slimy and slick skin emanated light despite light not being shone at it, and it had a thick black unicorn horn right on the brow of its forehead.

Dragovic's eyes widened in surprise.

One thing was sure, this Cthulhu was many times stronger than the last Cthulhu that invaded the galaxy.

Its presence was thick, so thick that it gave Dragovic a huge amount of pressure. He felt like an insignificant ant in front of the brimming life force of the creature.

Behind the Cthulhu, more spaces distorted and got torn wide open, a group of Cthulhu, their number within the range of 10 - 20, appeared behind the first Cthulhu.

"There's nothing here. I shouldn't be mistaken, I sensed the Galaxy core right in these coordinates" the Cthulhu with a black unicorn horn said with a frown.